ClockTuesday, 21/05/2024 15:14

Offering lotus flowers to President Ho Chi Minh at the Memorial House in Duong No Village

TTH.VN - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Phan Ngoc Tho, along with representatives of a number of departments and agencies, local people, as well as tourists, participated in the procession offering lotus flowers to President Ho Chi Minh at the Special National Monument - President Ho Chi Minh’s childhood Memorial House in Duong No Village (Phu Duong Commune, Hue City) on the morning of May 19th.

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 The procession delegation carrying President Ho Chi Minh’s portrait photo and lotus flowers from the Communal House of Duong No Village to President Ho Chi Minh’s childhood Memorial House in Duong No Village

The event is part of a series of festival activities in Duong No Village on the occasion of President Ho Chi Minh’s 134th birthday anniversary (1890 - 2024).

Starting at the Communal House of Duong No Village, the procession delegation was solemn with the national flag, festival flag, trumpet team, ceremony table with President Ho Chi Minh’s portrait photo and fresh lotus flowers. Joining the procession were hundreds of people, including guests, village elders and seniors, as well as students. The procession continued to move along Pho Loi River before stopping at President Ho Chi Minh’s childhood Memorial House. Here, everyone took turns offering incense and fresh lotus flowers to President Ho Chi Minh and spent a minute of silence to remember his merits.

After the procession, there were activities held right at this space for everyone to take part, such as a photo exhibition of Duong No Village, Thanh Tien Paper Flowers Crafting, Folk Paintings Printing, Calligraphy Writing, and so on.

Below are some photos taken at the procession:

A large number of women and students attending the procession 
Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Phan Ngoc Tho offering incense at President Ho Chi Minh’s childhood Memorial House in Duong No Village 
A representative from Ho Chi Minh Museum of Thua Thien Hue delivering the introduction of the Memorial House 
 Students being attracted by the photo exhibition of Duong No Village
 Foreign tourists participating in the festival to enjoy the craft of making Thanh Tien Paper Flower 
 President Ho Chi Minh’s childhood Memorial House in Duong No Village at the festival
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