ClockTuesday, 15/03/2022 08:16

Turning barren land into check-in destinations

TTH.VN - Recently, a number of businesses and individuals have rented or purchased abandoned and barren land, with low economic efficiency in Huong An, Huong Tho, and Thuy Bang (Hue City), to renovate and develop agricultural and farm tourism model, such as Green Life Farm, Rom Farm, and Hoang Thi Farm & Camp, etc.

Yellow apricot blossom at the front entranceFamous flower village of Phu Mau on Tet harvestChecking in at the beautiful purple flower carpet like in fairy tales

Thanks to the application of scientific and technical methods, they have succeeded in cultivating a number of beautiful plants and flowers, including some flowers originating from abroad such as the lavender…

Following the footsteps of agritourism workers, Dang Tuyen, the photographer, has captured the moment of experiencing with them - making the soil, sowing, and setting up check-in models on a number of farms in the area. Thua Thien Hue Weekly would like to introduce to the readers this series of photos.

Renovating the soil

Providing nutritional supplements for the plants


Preserving the seedlings

Yellow apricot (Ochna Integerrima) trees are also chosen

Experiencing the life of a farmer

Some flowers, which adapt to the barren land after being renovated, bring about impressive check-in destinations

By Thua Thien Hue Weekly

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Leveraging cinema to boost tourism in Hue
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A perspective on caravan tourism trend
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