ClockTuesday, 03/09/2024 09:31

Vibrant colors of the “Unicorn Head Market”

TTH.VN - Hue is colorful on the days near Mid-Autumn Festival. Hundreds of unicorn heads, together with accessories and props displayed for sale along the street have attracted buyers and wanderers.

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 The vibrant colors of the unicorn head market on Tran Hung Dao St., Hue City

The unicorn head market stretches along Tran Hung Dao St., from the beginning of Phu Xuan Bridge to the intersection to Dinh Tien Hoang St. This street is vividly adorned and dyed with rows of unicorn heads hung up for sale to consumers on the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Depending on size and intricacy, unicorn heads are sold from a few hundred thousand VND to several million VND. This does not include accessories and props such as unicorn tails, costumes, drums, masks, and other traditional toys, etc., which also costs from a few hundred thousand VND to several million VND each.

Along this street, there are also other alleys with rows of unicorn heads hung up spectacularly. Visitors to these alleys cannot help praising and enjoying choosing from the variety on offer.

This street remains bustling as people from all over come to buy unicorn heads and favorite accessories to prepare for the upcoming Mid-Autumn festival season. “Not only Hue locals but also others from Quang Binh and Quang Tri come here to shop. The main customers still are young people”, shared a unicorn heads’ owner. According to the shopkeepers, the market is more crowded than ever, with stores not only selling on-site but also accepting orders and shipping to all provinces and cities.

Following are some photos taken by Thua Thien Hue Online:

The unicorn head market becomes bustling with the customers 
 In addition to unicorn heads, other accompanying accessories such as drums, costumes, and masks, etc., are also displayed for sale
Inside the quarter, the unicorn-head artisans are busy with orders 
The unicorn heads are bought to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival
 A shop selling Mid-Autumn items with plenty of unicorn heads and drums
By N. Minh
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Opportunity for market expansion and connection

Identifying the enhancement of commercial promotion activities as a crucial factor contributing to improving the efficiency of production and business operations for enterprises, serving as a bridge to promote collaboration opportunities among enterprises, distributors, and consumers, Hue City has implemented various solutions to promote commercial promotion activities within its jurisdiction.

Opportunity for market expansion and connection
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