ClockMonday, 28/03/2022 06:51

Cycling for tourism and the environment

TTH.VN - On the morning of March 26, the Provincial Department of Tourism and related units coordinated the "Cycling festival for tourism and the environment" at Nghinh Luong Dinh.

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Standing member of Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of Hue City Party Committee Phan Thien Dinh (second from the right) was cycling with the group

More than 300 people participated in the festival. They are officials and staff of tourism and service businesses, several departments, agencies, and sectors in the province, as well as local community groups and visitors.

After the launching ceremony, the cycling group travelled along the route from Le Duan Street - Quang Duc Gate – the August 23 Street - Dinh Tien Hoang Street - Tran Hung Dao Street - Trang Tien Bridge - Le Loi Street - Bui Thi Xuan Street - Da Vien Bridge – and back to Nghinh Luong Dinh’s yard.

The festival aims to respond to the policy of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on reopening tourism activity under the new normal, starting from March 15, 2022; and carry out the Plan No. 106/KH-UBND of the Provincial People's Committee on implementing the fully reopening to international visitors, and recovering and stimulating tourism demand in the province; celebrate the 47th anniversary of Thua Thien Hue's Liberation Day (March 26, 1975 - March 26, 2022); at the same time, calling on businesses and community to respond to the Earth Hour 2022 Campaign.

The following are some photos taken in the festival:

The cycling activity is part of a series of activities to reopen tourism in the new normal

More than 300 people participated in the cycling activity for tourism and the environment

The cycling group was going towards Quang Duc Gate

Together cycling for the hope that tourism will recover quickly

Passing the ancient Imperial Citadel

In a parade over Dong Ba market, which is a tourist attraction of Hue

The cycling group crossed Truong Tien Bridge, which is a famous bridge of Hue

The shady roads are the confirmation that Hue is a green destination, and suitable for bicycle tours

A video of the cycling festival

By Duc Quang

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