ClockMonday, 11/06/2018 12:47

European tour operators felt impressed with tourist spots in Hue

TTH.VN - From June 7 and 8, the European famtrip, including leading tour operators in France, Italy, etc. came to Hue to conduct a survey of tourist routes.

Malaysian Famtrip delegation surveys Hue tourist routesOrganizing famtrip delegation to connect Hue with Central Highlands areaVietnam National Administration of Tourism organizes the famtrip delegation’s survey of tourist routes in Hue

Famtrip delegation visits the Citadel

The delegation surveyed the complex of Hue monuments, enjoyed royal and folklore cuisine. They also watched an ‘ao dai’ show and experienced traditional craft-making activities such as making paper lotus, making lanterns in the cultural space of Luc Bo (1).

Experiencing paper flower making at Luc Bo

Tour operators from Europe showed their distinct impression with the attractive and interesting tourist spots in Hue and acknowledged that Hue is an ideal destination for European tourists, especially when most French and Italy tourists would like to explore and to learn culture.

After Hue, the delegation will survey the route in Quang Binh to build up a tour along Central Vietnam.

By Duc Quang


(1). Luc Bo is the six high functional organs in Nguyên Dynasty in Vietnam

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“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”


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