ClockSaturday, 23/02/2019 17:18

Signing cooperation agreement to build the project “Hue - The Capital of Gastronomy”

TTH.VN - Tourism Department has just signed a cooperation agreement to build the project “Hue – The Capital of Gastronomy” until 2025, with a vision to 2030 with Dai Nam - Thai Y Vien Joint Stock Company (Ecopark Group).

"The Quintessence of Hue gastronomy” introduced at Hue International Gastronomy FestCooking with heart"The Capital of Gastronomy" - promoting Hue cuisine

The Dai Nam - Thai Y Vien Joint Stock Company will help the work of building the project “Hue – The Capital of Gastronomy” to be more effective

Accordingly, Dai Nam - Thai Y Vien Joint Stock Company will help Hue to build the project “Hue – The Capital of Gastronomy” and support deploying the implementation of basic contents in the project such as collecting and digitalizing dishes; coordinating to Hue’s agencies and departments to register intellectual property right for the brand name “Hue – The Capital of Gastronomy” and holding chef training courses, etc.

The cooperation program of building project “Hue – The Capital of Gastronomy” between Dai Nam - Thai Y Vien Joint Stock Company and Tourism Department is implemented in 6 months (the second and third quarters of 2019).

Previously, on December 10, 2018, the Provincial People’s Committee issued the Decision No. 2879/QĐ-UBND launching the project “Hue – The Capital of Gastronomy” until 2025, with a vision to 2030 in order to contribute to conserving and promoting Hue culinary quintessence; improving the image of Hue cuisine in the region and all over the world, at the same time contribute to building the brand name “Hue – The Capital of Gastronomy”, etc.

Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Phan Ngoc Tho said that building the brand name “Hue – The Capital of Gastronomy” is the desire of Thua Thien Hue government and residents. With a determination to build and implement this project, Hue desires to uphold the culinary quintessence as its inherent value, transforming from a cultural brand name to a tourist brand name with strong position and attraction to attract tourists.

Story, photo: Duc Quang

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