ClockFriday, 26/07/2024 22:15

Hue City chooses cuisine to build dossier to join UNESCO's Creative Cities Network

TTH.VN - The People's Committee of Hue City has recently built the dossier “Hue - A Creative City” to join the UNESCO's Creative Cities Network in the field of cuisine.

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 Hue City has chosen cuisine to build its dossier to join the Creative Cities Network

To build the dossier “Hue - A Creative City”, the city has established a working group to build the dossier for participating in the UNESCO's Creative Cities Network in the creative field of cuisine; building the dossier through steps including surveying, collecting data, and inviting both domestic and international experts to develop an evaluation report on the chosen field (cuisine), and provide advice on building the dossier.

In addition, workshops, a specialized seminar and an international conference will be organized, and the dossier will be finalized. Specifically, 2 workshops and an specialized seminar are planned for August and September 2024, and an international conference with the theme “Hue - Towards a Creative City in the field of cuisine” is scheduled for December 2024. These events aim to gather feedback and consult on relevant content during the process of developing and finalizing the dossier.

In addition to the activities mentioned previously, the city is intensifying its communication work throughout the process of building the dossier, including organizing a logo design contest or inviting a unit to design a brand identity for “Hue - A UNESCO Creative City”; establishing a website (in both Vietnamese and English) to post content related to the dossier “Hue - A UNESCO Creative City in the field of cuisine”; and carrying out communication work on mass media platforms…

After submitting the dossier, the city will implement activities such as publishing publications, books, and documentaries to introduce Hue City's potential in the field of cuisine; organizing culinary spaces, performance activities, and preparing traditional and royal dishes to contribute to promoting Hue's potential in the field of cuisine...

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