ClockSaturday, 23/11/2019 15:29

U.S. Famtrip team to Hue in look for future tourist routes

TTH.VN - From November 20 to 22, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism coordinated with the Provincial Department of Tourism to welcome a U.S. Famtrip delegation in surveying the tourist routes in the province.

Malaysian Famtrip delegation surveys Hue tourist routesEuropean tour operators felt impressed with tourist spots in HueOrganizing famtrip delegation to connect Hue with Central Highlands areaVietnam National Administration of Tourism organizes the famtrip delegation’s survey of tourist routes in Hue

The Famtrip delegation visiting the Imperial Citadel

Joining the Famtrip are representatives from the leading travel agencies in the U.S. This is an opportunity for Hue tourism industry to promote and advertise its unique routes and destinations to the U.S. tourist market. Also, this trip offers the U.S. businesses chances to strengthen their network and take more tourists to Hue in the coming time.

During the time in Hue, the delegation surveyed the city’s iconic tourist destinations such as Hue Monuments Complex (the Imperial Citadel, Khai Dinh Tomb, Tu Duc Tomb, Thien Mu Pagoda); visiting Dong Ba Market, Le Ba Dang Memory Space, and the products and services of Ve Nguon Ecotourism Park; experiencing cruising services on the Perfume River, and enjoying royal and traditional cuisines, etc.

Besides Hue, the delegation also surveys the tourism products and services in other provinces and cities such as Hanoi, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Can Tho, and Ho Chi Minh city.

Below are some pictures of the Famtrip delegation in Hue:

The team enjoyed their time cycling through the peaceful countryside roads in Hue

Enjoying unique local teas and cakes

Receiving a picture of Vietnamese village painted by a Hue artist

Listening to Mr. Ho Xuan Dai (a famous garden house owner in Thuy Bieu) telling stories about the history of traditional houses in Hue

Relaxing with herbal foot bathing

Listening to tunes of Hue Singing and enjoying foods on the Perfume River

By Duc Quang

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