ClockSunday, 20/08/2023 16:09

Welcoming the first flight from Taipei International Airport to Hue

TTH.VN - The first flight with number VJ8693, from Taipei International Airport of Taiwan (China), has just landed safely at the T2 Terminal of Phu Bai International Airport at 19:30 on August 18.

Connecting Hue and South Korea via direct flightsHigh expectations from the charter flights

 The first passengers getting off the plane

This flight is operated by the Hai Van Cat International Travel Joint Stock Company in collaboration with its Taiwanese partner and Vietjet Aviation Joint Stock Company, to open a direct route from Taipei International Airport to the T2 Terminal of Phu Bai International Airport, after the terminal had been officially put into operation.

The representative leaders of the Provincial Department of Tourism, Phu Bai International Airport, the Central Airport Authority at Phu Bai International Airport, Vietjet Air, and the Provincial Tourism Association participated in the welcoming ceremony for the delegation. The representatives of the units presented fresh flower bouquets and typical gifts of Hue to the first visitors getting off the plane.

 Mr. Truong Thanh Minh, Director of the Tourism Promotion Information Center presenting gifts to visitors

The ceremony to welcome and present gifts to the delegation has made good impressions on visitors of the friendliness and hospitality of the authority and people towards international visitors traveling to Thua Thien Hue province, as well as businesses making efforts to organize flights and bring in passengers; contributing to widely promoting the activities and ground services of the T2 Terminal of Phu Bai International Airport, after it had been officially inaugurated and put into operation; at the same time, introducing Hue as an attractive, safe and friendly tourist destination for domestic and foreign visitors in general, and visitors from Taiwan in particular.

Ms. Tien Tran, a Taiwanese visitor shared: “This is my first time traveling to Hue via the direct flight to Phu Bai International Airport. My first feeling is very impressed with the enthusiasm of the people here. Hopefully, this will be an interesting and meaningful trip.”

The first flight from Taipei International Airport has carried 114 passengers, who come to visit, explore and experience tourism in the localities including Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, and Quang Nam, within a program lasting for 5 days and 6 nights.

In Thua Thien Hue province, the delegation will visit tourist attractions such as the Imperial Citadel, the mausoleums of Emperor Khai Dinh, and Emperor Minh Mang, and Thien Mu pagoda, etc., as well as experiencing riding the cyclo, the cruising on the Huong River, and enjoying Hue cuisine.

On this occasion, Thua Thien Hue province has also offered preferential policies for travel agencies and visitors, including a 50% discount on tickets to Hue monuments, and Vietnam Royal Court Music (Nha Nhac) performance to welcome the visitor group at the Noon Gate of Hue Imperial Palace.

 The representatives of the units posing for a commemorative photo with the flight crew

In this year, the Hai Van Cat International Travel Joint Stock Company, in collaboration with its Taiwanese partner and Vietjet Aviation Joint Stock Company, will continue to open more flights to bring visitors from the Taiwanese market to Thua Thien Hue, with a frequency of 3 flights per week, from August 18 to the end of October 2023.

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