ClockTuesday, 05/10/2021 15:49

Cooperating and promoting to open direct flights from South Korea to Hue and vice versa

TTH.VN - On the afternoon of October 4, the signing ceremony of a tripartite memorandum of understanding on tourism promotion and investment has been held among the three signatories, including: Thua Thien Hue Province’s Department of Tourism, Phu Bai International Airport, and Smart Media City Co., Ltd.

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The tripartite memorandum of understanding is signed with the aim to develop Hue tourism

According to the tripartite agreement, the signatories will jointly promote and support in legal procedures to organize direct flights from South Korea to Phu Bai International Airport and vice versa. In the immediate future, they will organize and arrange charter flights of airlines and personal aircrafts for South Korean business partners, who desire to cooperate and invest in the tourism sector, as well as other ones in Thua Thien Hue Province.

The Provincial Department of Tourism will cooperate with Smart Media City Co., Ltd. to organize tours from South Korea to and from Hue for South Korean investors; and organize an Investment and Promotion Conference at Banyan Tree Lang Co, which is scheduled in December 2021.

Besides, Smart Media City Co., Ltd. will support calling for investment from South Korean partners to Thua Thien Hue Province; as well as calling for investment resources in tourism infrastructure, and projects on relocating manufacturing facilities in the fields of electronics, and automobiles, etc.

By Duc Quang

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