ClockFriday, 29/03/2024 16:12

Hue and Japanese students participate in cultural exchanges

TTH.VN - The Vietnam - Japan cultural exchange program, with the participation of hundreds of students from Japan and Hue, was organized on the morning of March 28 at 16 Lam Hoang, Hue City by the Vietnam - Japan Friendship Association in Thua Thien Hue province.

Japanese businesses want to recruit workers in the economic sectorsHue City promotes cultural people-to-people diplomacy with regions of Japan

 Students from Japan performed a musical performance at the program

This activity is part of a series of homestay exchange events between students and parents from Hue and Japan. At the program, the children participated in a cultural performance program, experienced folk games, wore kimonos, enjoyed tea ceremony, and experienced calligraphy, and origami folding.

The homestay exchange program has been taking place for many years, with hundreds of exchanges between students from Hue and Japan. The participating students not only are hosted by families, but also experience each other's daily life culture. Through this activity, the students have introduced and promoted their traditional cultures, created good cultural understanding, become good friends, and created a foundation to become reliable partners, "holding hands together towards the future".

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Royal physician in the land of Hue

History books of Nguyen Dynasty record that after ascending the throne in 1802, Emperor Gia Long established the medicine agency to serve the court. However, it was not until the reign of Emperor Minh Mang that the structure of Thai Y Vien (Imperial Medicine Institute) was gradually completed. From then on, the recruitment of personnel to Thai Y Vien was extremely tight and serious.

Royal physician in the land of Hue
Leveraging cinema to boost tourism in Hue

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Leveraging cinema to boost tourism in Hue
Helping students understand themselves and their careers

On the morning of July 15th, Hue Tourism College, in collaboration with IKIGAI International Soft Skills Training Center, organized the career orientation program “Understanding yourself, Understanding your career” to help students make solid steps when choosing vocational education at the intermediate level.

Helping students understand themselves and their careers
Kickoff of summer volunteer campaign for students

On the morning of July 14th, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the Vietnam Student Association of Hue University, in collaboration with the Youth Union of Hue City and the Youth Branch of Mobifone in Thua Thien Hue, launched the Green Summer Volunteer Campaign for 2024.

Kickoff of summer volunteer campaign for students
“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”

That is the sharing of Tung Leo – the Show Director of the music night themed “Dialogue with Trinh Cong Son - Love Found”, which took place in the space of Kien Trung Palace, during the recent Hue International Arts Festival Week 2024. He added: “I am indebted to and enamored of Hue City. I hope that I can come back here many times to organize different music nights in various locations in Hue.”

“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”
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