ClockThursday, 07/03/2024 16:08

Hue City: Cooperating on tourism investment and development with Cergy City

TTH.VN - This issue was discussed by leaders of Hue City and Cergy City (French Republic) at a working session during a business trip of the delegation of Hue City, led by Secretary of Hue City Party Committee Phan Thien Dinh, to Cergy City from February 28 to March 4, 2024. The delegation was also joined by the leader and a number of lecturers from the University of Arts, Hue University.

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 Mr. Phan Thien Dinh, Secretary of Hue City Party Committee, (on the left) visited Cergy University of Arts

During his visiting and working time in Cergy City, the delegation worked with Mr. Jean-Paul Jeandon, the Mayor of Cergy, and a number of agencies under Cergy City council, the Faculty of Arts - Cergy University, and Cergy University of Arts...

At the working sessions, the representative leaders of the two cities reviewed the cooperation process in the previous time, as well as proposed ideas and plans for the cooperation process between both sides in the coming time.

Promoting the achieved results, the two sides discussed and agreed on policies to implement a number of new activities in 2024, including: organizing the International Planning Camp in Hue City; cooperating in promoting tourism investment and development associated with cultural exchanges between the two localities....

One of the important activities of the delegation during this trip to Cergy City was to attend the Vietnamese Tet event "Passport to Asia" co-organized by Cergy City and Party Pris Association.

Through the exchanging activities, and activities of introducing the ao dai fashion, calligraphy writing, lacquer painting, etc., artists from Hue introduced to the people of Cergy City and the neighboring cities the rich and diverse features, rich in identity, combining traditional and modern elements of Hue culture in particular and Vietnamese cultural traditions in general.

Working with Cergy-Pontoise University of Arts and Cergy School of Design, the delegates discussed and realized the necessity and potential in the cooperative relations between the universities in the two cities; on that basis, University of Arts, Hue University will work with universities and related parties to develop specific plans to organize specific exchange and cooperation activities, with the support and coordination of the two localities as well as related agencies.

Cergy City is a young, creative, satellite urban of the French capital region. The strengthening of relations between the two cities has been creating more opportunities for Hue City to promote its image, build cooperative connections, as well as cultural, educational, and economic exchanges with the people of France and European countries.

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