ClockTuesday, 05/05/2020 10:10

Hue supports medical equipment for 3 provinces of Laos to prevent and combat COVID-19 pandemic

TTH.VN - On May 4th, at Lao Bao International Border Gate, the delegation of Thua Thien Hue province led by Mr. Bui Thanh Ha, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee presented medical supplies and equipment to the leaders’ representatives of the three provinces of Laos, including Savannakhet, Salavan, Se Kong to prevent and combat COVID-19 pandemic.

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Permanent Deputy Secretary Bui Thanh Ha (on the left) presents medical supplies and equipment to Savannakhet province's leaders

In this time, Thua Thien Hue presents to each province of Laos 50,000 medical face masks, 800 protective suits and 250 liters of disinfectant solution. The total value of medical supplies and equipment of all 3 provinces is nearly 1 billion VND.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Bui Thanh Ha said that, amid the complicated situation of the pandemic, with the spirit of neighborly cooperation and friendship, as well as the traditional relationship havingbeen closed in all circumstances, Thua Thien Hue province gave the governments and people of the three neighboring Laos provinces the best sentiment and supported medical supplies and equipment to prevent and combat the diseases.

Mr. Bui Thanh Ha affirmed that in the coming time, Thua Thien Hue would continue to closely coordinate with Savannakhet, Salavan and Se Kong provinces in the prevention and control of the pandemic; pay attention to and monitor the situation of Laos students studying in Hue. He also suggested that the provinces continued to pay attention to and propagate the Vietnamese people currently living and working in Laos following the direction of local authorities, stabilizing their life, proactively preventing the pandemic at their place and limiting movement.

The leaders of the 3 supported provinces in this time thanked the precious affection of the Party Committee, the government and the People of Thua Thien Hue province for the support. They said that this was not only a material support but also a great spiritual encouragement to help them well implement the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic.

News and photo: Hieu Binh

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