ClockThursday, 18/11/2021 16:28

USAID continues to support people with disabilities in Hue

TTH.VN - On the afternoon of November 17, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh had a courtesy meeting with the Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Vietnam, Ms. Ann Marie Yastishock.

Sponsoring nearly 6 billion VND to support people with disabilities in Thua Thien HueUSAID funds municipal waste recycling project in Hue cityUSAID funds nearly USD 10 million in livelihood support and climate change adaptation

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh presents a souvenir to the Director of the USAID in Vietnam

At the meeting, Vice Chairman Nguyen Thanh Binh gave thanks to the USAID for its cooperation and support programs in Thua Thien Hue in recent years, with a total funding of more than USD 13 million. Thua Thien Hue province always supports and creates the best conditions for USAID to carry out its programs and activities in the locality, on the basis of compliance with Vietnamese laws, and serving the needs of socio-economic development and people's livelihood.

The Vice Chairman desires USAID to expand the cooperation programs in various fields of health and environment; especially in supporting people exposed to dioxin; overcoming the consequences of landmines and ERW; supporting people with disabilities affected by landmines, as well as activities related to the environment, and responding to climate change; at the same time, supporting in projects on epidemic control; and supporting in building capacity for small and medium enterprises in the province for economic integration.

Ms. Ann Marie Yastishock said that USAID, as an organization of the US Government, has supported and implemented many projects over the past time, including the project on "Supporting people with disabilities in Thua Thien Hue province”, which was deployed by the International Center IC-VVAF.

In the coming time, USAID looks forward to cooperating and implementing direct activities, aiming to improve the capacity of people with disabilities, create opportunities for the people with disabilities in the province to have a voice, and to participate in community activities, and access to economic activities and public services of the society.

In addition, USAID also gives support for strengthening the capacity of organizations of people with disabilities at all levels from the province to the communes, wards, and townships, as well as strengthening the capacity of legal staff to assist the people with disabilities. At the same time, it will continue to carry out the projects on health care, environmental impact reduction, climate change response, and biodiversity conservation, etc.

On this occasion, the USAID delegation will go to A Luoi to give the funding to upgrade the Exhibition Hall of the US army's chemical war Remnants at A So Airport (A Luoi); and pay a visit to the Dioxin Remediation Project at the A So Airport, which is led by the Chemical Command.

By Thai Binh

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