Stepping stone for becoming centrally-governed city

Stepping stone for becoming centrally-governed city

After four years of administrative boundary expansion, the city has begun to effectively leverage new advantages and resources, developing the marine economy and lagoon areas.
The surplus of orders during the pandemic

After difficulties in orders and product output, in the last months of 2021, many textile and garment enterprises are returning to production when they receive many orders.

The surplus of orders during the pandemic
Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone:
No attracting investment at all costs

Chan May - Lang Co EZ, together with An Van Duong new urban area, are becoming attractive destinations for many investors...

No attracting investment at all costs
Shipbuilding "drifts" with current

Decree 67 of the Government opens up opportunities for fishermen. Many ships with thousands of horsepower reaching out to sea show a great need for new fishing ships in the fishing community.

Shipbuilding drifts with current
Connecting to support startups

From the annual “Innovative and Creative Startup” contests, many startup ideas and projects were cultivated and supported to become startup products in the market.

Connecting to support startups
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