ClockTuesday, 24/08/2021 08:41

Archeological excavation at Thai Mieu temple

TTH.VN - The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has just issued a decision to allow Hue Monuments Conservation Center to conduct archaeological excavations at Thai Mieu Temple inside Hue Imperial Citadel.

The restoration of Thai Mieu: Rehabilitating the original elements of the monumentThai Mieu to be repaired and restored

Thai Mieu Temple. Photo: Bao Minh

Accordingly, the excavation area spans across 952 square meters, starting from August 10th to October 10th, 2021. The excavation is for the restoration work of Thai Mieu relic.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism requested Hue Monuments Conservation Center to pay close attention to protecting the stratigraphy of the relic. Artifacts collected during the excavation must be temporarily preserved at Hue Museum of Royal Antiquities to avoid being damaged or lost.

Upon excavating completion, Hue Monuments Conservation Centre is responsible for reporting to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism a plan to protect and manage the unearthed area.

By Minh Hien

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