ClockWednesday, 02/12/2020 14:52

Compiling dossier on Hue culinary heritage

TTH.VN - The Provincial People's Committee has just issued a plan to compile a scientific dossier on Hue culinary heritage, to be added in the national intangible cultural heritage list.

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According to the plan, the Provincial Department of Culture and Sports will host and coordinate with relevant units to implement the setting up of the scientific dossier on Hue culinary heritage, including the following steps: investigating, surveying, recording, collecting related information and documents; and completing the dossier on Hue culinary heritage, etc.

The setting up of the scientific dossier on Hue culinary heritage to be added in the national intangible cultural heritage list is aimed to honor and affirm the historical, cultural, scientific values and the role of Hue culinary heritage for the contemporary community life. From there, it is set to advise on plans and schemes to preserve, promote and exploit effectively Hue cuisine associated with the activities of heritage, cultural and tourism promotion.

There are three well-known culinary lines in Hue, which are royal cuisine, folk cuisine and vegetarian cuisine, with many eye-catching and luxurious dishes, etc. Therefore, Hue cuisine can represent Vietnamese cuisine.

That Hue cuisine is added to the list of the national intangible cultural heritage will also raise the awareness of people of all classes about the significance and importance of Hue culinary heritage to the community; thereby, promoting the cooperation, and participation in protecting and promoting the value of cultural heritage of the locality.

Story and photo: Minh Hien

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