ClockThursday, 19/11/2020 16:37

Researching and compiling "The encyclopedia of Hue culinary culture"

TTH.VN - On the afternoon of November 18, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology held a conference to hand over a provincial scientific topic on "The Encyclopedia of Hue culinary culture" to the National Academy of Culture and Arts in Hue, to chair the implementation of the task.

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The conference to hand over the topic on "The Encyclopedia of Hue culinary culture" to the National Academy of Culture and Arts in Hue to preside over the implementation

"The Encyclopedia of Hue culinary culture" focuses on researching the contents including applied theory, approaches, and methods of compiling the encyclopedia; approaching Hue culinary culture; the system of dishes in the main meals of Hue people; snacks, desserts, mid-meals, and drinks; as well as compiling the indexes.

Notably, the topic will study the roles of cuisine in Hue cultural life; the establishment and convergence bases that create Hue culinary culture; the nuances of expression; typical values ​​of Hue culinary culture including: ingredients, spices, processing methods, and art of decoration, etc.

The topic aims to compile an encyclopedia-like reference (book set) of Hue culinary culture. This is an essential lookup book set for the learning about Hue culture in general and Hue heritage of culinary culture in particular. The knowledge and experience, which is compiled in this work, will be useful for the inheritance and preparation for deploying the next contents in Hue’s encyclopedias such as the encyclopedia of Hue destinations, the encyclopedia of Hue history, and the encyclopedia of Hue architecture – art, etc.

Story and photo: Minh Hien

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