ClockMonday, 31/07/2023 16:06

Culture and architecture as seen from heritage and heritage of Hue

TTH.VN - That was the topic of a seminar, which was organized at the Intercultural meeting place (at 94, 96, and 98 Bach Dang Street, Hue City) on the morning of July 29 by the Huong River Museum of Antique Pottery.

Sustainable development of heritages in Hue ancient CapitalPainting contest on Vietnamese cultural heritages launched

 Tu Duc Mausoleum, one of the most beautiful architectural buildings of the architectural complex of tombs and palaces of the Nguyen Dynasty emperors in the ancient capital of Hue. Photo: Minh Hoa

A large number of experts and researchers have presented and exchanged stories about culture and architecture in general and Hue in particular. There, the experts emphasized issues such as the balance in the traditional architecture of Hue, the choices when living with the heritage, and the values of Hue urban from the past to the modern...

Dr. Phan Thanh Hai, Director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Sports, said in his presentation that because of the special conditions of the history of formation, development and natural environment, the traditional architecture of Hue has a very special balance.

That is evident in the urban planning of Hue from the Nguyen Lords to the Nguyen Dynasty, and even during the colonial period (1636 - 1945). Thanks to this feature, the traditional architecture of Hue becomes unique and different with its own philosophy. It is a precious heritage that Hue needs to preserve and promote in the contemporary context.

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Royal physician in the land of Hue

History books of Nguyen Dynasty record that after ascending the throne in 1802, Emperor Gia Long established the medicine agency to serve the court. However, it was not until the reign of Emperor Minh Mang that the structure of Thai Y Vien (Imperial Medicine Institute) was gradually completed. From then on, the recruitment of personnel to Thai Y Vien was extremely tight and serious.

Royal physician in the land of Hue
Leveraging cinema to boost tourism in Hue

With advantages in scenery, cultural heritage, and the ancient, tranquil beauty of temples, palaces, relics, and architecture, Hue is becoming a destination of choice for filmmakers. This also presents an opportunity for cinema to expand Hue's tourism reach.

Leveraging cinema to boost tourism in Hue
“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”

That is the sharing of Tung Leo – the Show Director of the music night themed “Dialogue with Trinh Cong Son - Love Found”, which took place in the space of Kien Trung Palace, during the recent Hue International Arts Festival Week 2024. He added: “I am indebted to and enamored of Hue City. I hope that I can come back here many times to organize different music nights in various locations in Hue.”

“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”
Salt Coffee in Hue featured on US newspaper

CNN, an US news outlet, has recently reported an increasing number of social media posts sharing tips on how to order a drink originally from Vietnam at a major American coffee chain. This sought-after beverage is salt coffee.

Salt Coffee in Hue featured on US newspaper
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