ClockTuesday, 27/12/2022 08:24

How may Hue be perceived as the land of Ao dai

TTH.VN - That is the desire of Mr. Phan Thanh Hai - Director of the Department of Culture and Sports when talking about the revival of Ao dai at the scientific conference "Promoting the value of the Nguyen Dynasty Ao dai in contemporary life, promoting Hue to become the capital of Ao dai Vietnam" which took place on the afternoon of December 22.

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Delegates visiting the Ao dai displayed at the workshop

The conference attracted a large number of scholars, researchers, managers, designers, entrepreneurs, representatives of event organizers, etc., related to the field of design, tailoring, modelling and distribution of traditional Ao dai from Hanoi, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City.

Ao dai has been revived

According to Mr. Hai, the revival of Ao dai also restores related industries such as raw material production, weaving, dyeing, design, tailoring, accessories, etc. In addition, it contributes to promoting and enhancing Hue’s cultural brand name.

The revival of the ao dai also makes an important contribution to socio-economic development, improving people's living standards, and the project "Hue - The capital of Ao dai Vietnam" is very suitable with the trend of the times, in line with the policy of "fast and sustainable development on the basis of heritage, culture and preservation of Hue cultural identity".

The head of the cultural sector also said that it is necessary to continue promoting the project "Hue - The capital of Ao dai Vietnam" in the coming time because this project affirms the value and position of Hue Ao dai in the cultural flow of the ancient capital as well as Vietnamese culture. In addition, it is also necessary to raise awareness about the protection and promotion of the value of Ao dai heritage for the community, focusing on two attributes of tailoring and the custom of using traditional Ao dai of Hue people.

According to a representative of Hue Ao Dai Association, in the past 5-6 years, the Ao dai has been revived, becoming closer to daily life. Contributing to this was the great response from civil servants of departments, agencies and related events. Not only women, but many men also responded. And honoring the Ao dai as a cultural heritage is important, but what is necessary is that Ao dai must be more popular, having a positive impact on Vietnamese culture, society and people.

Contributing ideas for bringing Ao dai into modern life, Dr. Tran Van Dung (Department of Culture and Sports) proposed devising a scheme to waiver or reduce ticket prices for domestic and foreign tourists who wear Ao dai to visit Hue monuments. Dr. Dung also proposed the annual organization of Hue Ao Dai Festival in order to promote and introduce the traditional Ao dai Vietnam to tourists from all over the world.

Vietnam's national costume is right here

In addition, experts also suggested that institutions should be perfected for the Ao dai.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Binh, Chairman of Dinh Lang Viet Club (Hanoi), said that currently, there is no official document to recognize Ao dai as the national costume of Vietnam. This raises many legal problems when Ao dai is tailored or worn incorrectly.

“During Spring-Summer Fashion Week in Beijing, China in 2018, a designer unveiled many fashion collections, including designs that caused outrage because of their resemblance to the Ao dai but were introduced as the "creation" of this designer”, Mr. Binh cited the example of Ao dai "piracy".

Ao dai models walking right in the conference space

According to Mr. Binh, perfecting the legal institution for the Ao dai is an urgent job because it will solve the legal corridor, remove the issue of copyright and legitimacy of the Ao dai Vietnam and be a driving force in educating about and promoting the Vietnamese culture. Mr. Binh also suggested that the State should soon recognize the five-panel Ao dai for both men and women as the State Dress.

Agreeing with the above point of view, Mr. Phan Thanh Hai, Director of the Department of Culture and Sports, said that it is time for us to have a serious, complete and objective assessment of the Ao dai Vietnam, especially men's Ao dai.

“We don’t have to look far to find Vietnamese men's national clothes because we already have them. However, in order for the men's Ao dai to become the national dress of men, we need to invest in research and issue specific regulations on the style and color of the Ao dai," Mr. Hai said.

Story and photos: N. Minh

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