ClockThursday, 25/05/2023 16:14

Hue, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City cooperate and develop in literature and arts

TTH.VN - Following the traditional relationship for the past 63 years, on the morning of May 24, the Unions of Literary and Art Associations of three localities of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Thua Thien Hue signed an agreement to cooperate and coordinate in activities in the field of literature and arts.

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 The Unions of Literary and Art Associations of three localities signed the agreement to cooperate and coordinate in activities in the field of literature and arts

Accordingly, the three units will jointly organize activities related to literature and arts of the three province and cities, including: exchanging experience, promoting the innovation in all aspects of literature and arts; promoting research programs, and critical theory programs on literature and arts; supporting and promoting programs to preserve and promote the values of literature and arts.

In addition, the three units will also organize programs to promote, introduce and exhibit literature and arts works, as well as digitalization programs related to literature and arts, along with building the industry of culture - literature and arts for each location.

The signing program aims to develop the quality of activities of the associations; gradually improving the quality of creativity and promotion of literature and arts to their members.

*Also, on the morning of May 24, a seminar themed "The values of literature and arts of Hanoi - Hue - Ho Chi Minh City in the flow of Vietnamese literature and arts" was held after the signing ceremony, confirming the role of the literature and arts of the three localities in the flow of literature and arts across the country.

The three locations of Hanoi - Hue - Ho Chi Minh City are the birthplaces of nationalist movements of creating literature and arts; therefore, they play a great role, and make a great contribution in the flow of Vietnamese literature and arts. The assessment of the role of the three locations’ literature and arts in the flow of Vietnamese one will contribute to forecasting the development direction of this field in the future.

The seminar is an opportunity for the leaders in literature and arts, across the nation and from the three localities, to discuss common issues of the three localities in particular, and the whole country in general, such as: the spiritual vitality of the relationship among the three locations; the values of literature and arts of Hanoi - Hue - Ho Chi Minh City in the flow of Vietnamese literature and arts; etc.

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