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Hue has 19 art works participating in the Vietnam Fine Arts Exhibition

TTH.VN - These are typical works recently created by artists and sculptors, made of various materials, such as paint, acrylic, Trucchigarphy, iron pen, graphics and synthesis.

The 28th North Central Region Fine Arts Exhibition opens57 artworks are displayed in the art exhibition to foster Vietnam - Laos cultural exchangeTruc Chi - for a cultural value which is very Vietnamese“Living with heritage"Admiring Japanese potteryHue Fine Arts has always maintained its position as the art center of the country

 “Xom ngu cu” by the painter Nguyen Khai Hoan

Hue contributes 19 selective works by 19 authors to the Vietnam Fine Arts Competition and Exhibition. The event is scheduled to take place at Hanoi Museum from December 6th. 
These are typical works recently created by artists and sculptors, made of various materials, such as paint, acrylic, Trucchigarphy, iron pen, graphics and synthesis.
The works express the imprints of Hue's cultural heritage, the artists' creative desires as well as concerns and worries about human life, such as: "Gam hoa" by Dang Thi Thu An, "Dong song ky uc" by Phan Thanh Binh, "Dau tich 3" by Le Van Nhuong, and "Dau thoi gian" by Phan Quang Tan.
Of the 19 works, 17 are selected for competition. Specifically, "Vuon uom" by the sculptor  Le Ngoc Thai; “The Nam - The Nu” by the painter Vo Thanh Than, “Xom ngu cu” by the painter Nguyen Khai Hoan win the third prizes. Meanwhile, "Vi vu" by the painter Hoang Thanh Phong is awarded the Consolation Prize.
The Vietnam Fine Arts Competition and Exhibition is organized by the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibitions, attracting the participation of Vietnamese artists, painters, and sculptors at home and abroad as well as overseas Vietnamese artists, painters, and sculptors working in the field of art.

By Minh Hien
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