ClockSaturday, 17/09/2022 20:49

“Hue - New Perspectives”

TTH.VN - This is the theme of an art photo exhibition, which was opened on the afternoon of September 16, coordinated by the Provincial Union of Literature and Arts Associations and the Provincial Photography Association.

Photo exhibition about Hue“Women Portraits” photo exhibition

The exhibition attracting young people in Hue

Earlier, the photo contest "Hue - New Perspectives", which was launched from the beginning of April to the end of August, had received more than 1,300 works by 138 photographers from 28 provinces and cities across the country.

Among them, 98 works by 55 photographers have been selected to display, reflecting truthfully and vividly the beauty of nature, culture, heritages, and Hue locals in their everyday life, folk rituals, and traditional activities.

Le Tan Thanh, a young photographer from the ancient capital, won the first and the second prizes of the contest thanks to the works "The Lagoon" and "The Heritage”, with beautiful perspectives and fully capturing the moments. Another second prize belongs to the photographer Tran Minh Tri, with the work "A corner of Lap An Lagoon". In addition, the Organizing Committee also awarded three third prizes and five consolation prizes to other photographers.

In its fourth session, "Hue - New Perspectives" is a contest and an exhibition within a series of activities to celebrate the 77th anniversary of the establishment of the Provincial Union of Literature and Arts Associations (September 18, 1945 - September 18, 2022).

By Mai Hue

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