ClockSaturday, 20/11/2021 12:10

Photo exhibition about Hue

TTH.VN - "Heritage of Hue - the Ancient Capital through painting" is the theme of an exhibition organized by Hue Museum of Fine Arts from November 17th to 25th at Diem Phung Thi Art Center.

Sketching Hue heritageSketching Hue Ancient CapitalPhoto exhibition on Hue at Vietnam Film FestivalPhoto exhibition on Vietnamese women

Photo exhibition at Diem Phung Thi Art Center

The exhibition introduces to the public 151 sketch works about Hue’s architecture, culture, landscape, people, garden house, and cuisine by 70 architects, painters, and artists. These works were created during their journey on sketching the heritage of Hue Ancient Capital 2021, which took place from April 23rd to 25th.

This is a community art activity held by Hue Museum of Fine Arts, the Provincial Fine Arts Association and the Hanoi Urban Sketching Group, in an effort to preserve, promote and honor the heritage cultural values of Hue.

In addition, the exhibition also introduces 18 paintings created during Hue female artist's painting camp in 2021 and displays Hue Ao Dai and conical hats decorated with sketch works.

By Huenews

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Royal physician in the land of Hue

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Royal physician in the land of Hue
Leveraging cinema to boost tourism in Hue

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Leveraging cinema to boost tourism in Hue
“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”

That is the sharing of Tung Leo – the Show Director of the music night themed “Dialogue with Trinh Cong Son - Love Found”, which took place in the space of Kien Trung Palace, during the recent Hue International Arts Festival Week 2024. He added: “I am indebted to and enamored of Hue City. I hope that I can come back here many times to organize different music nights in various locations in Hue.”

“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”
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