ClockTuesday, 11/06/2024 11:22

Solemn Lantern Festival on the Huong River

TTH.VN - On the evening of June 9th, the Provincial Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, in coordination with the Hue Festival 2024 Organizing Committee, launched the Lantern Festival.

Art exhibition of Buddhist culture - Hue Festival 2024Hue is bustling ahead of the opening of Hue Festival Week 2024

The Lantern Festival for National Peace and People's Safety is a sacred spiritual ritual of Buddhism aimed at honoring the spiritual, moral, and cultural values of the Vietnamese people.

 A panoramic view of the ceremony

The festival was conducted with great solemnity and formality, showcasing a series of main events that included a captivating cultural performance, the revered ancient Khoi Chinh Co, the enchanting Tam Luan Cuu Chuyen music, and a dignified prayer ceremony punctuated by the ceremonial ringing of the bell and the deliberate striking of the Bat Nha drum, thrice for sacred emphasis.

After the rituals, the sparkling lanterns were lit up in the night, carrying the prayers of the people of Hue for the country's peace, favorable weather, and bringing tranquility and happiness to every home.

The twinkling lights of the lanterns were reflected in the waters of the Huong River. The Lantern Festival is a meaningful activity that adds color to Hue Festival, enriches the cultural essence of Hue with vitality, and serves as a friendly and affectionate invitation from the people of the ancient capital of this hospitable land to visitors nationwide and around the world.

 The Lantern Festival is a highlight of the Hue Festival 2024 week

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Permanent member of the Provincial Party Committee and Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, stated that Thua Thien Hue stands as a bastion of cultural heritage, with a rich history of unique culture and glorious revolutionary traditions, possessing many cultural heritages, historical relics, and hundreds of festivals rich in national and Hue’s cultural identity. Hue is also a major center of beliefs and religions, with Buddhism holding a particularly significant place.  The influence of Buddhism is deeply woven into the fabric of life in the ancient capital, becoming an essential element of the spiritual culture, contributing to the richness of Hue's cultural identity and its people.

Buddhism has steadfastly journeyed alongside the nation, embracing the philosophy of “protecting the country and pacifying the people.” The Provincial Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, together with the province's monks, nuns, and devout followers, has orchestrated a multitude of practical and significant Buddhist activities. These are often celebrated through traditional Buddhist festive occasions, which are especially prominent during Hue Festivals.

By T.Vy
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