ClockWednesday, 15/03/2023 14:37

Students "touch" great fine art topics

TTH.VN - Posters to celebrate the founding of the Communist Party and the success of Communist Party Congresses at all levels, or portraits of father-figures, etc., are not easy topics for novices like students. By feeling, believing in the Communist Party, in Uncle Ho, and gratefulness to those who have contributed to the country, many art students have put their full emotions on great fine art topics.

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 Enjoy the work of fine art "The General in the house number 30 Hoang Dieu St."

In the space of the Ho Chi Minh Museum, Nguyen Phan Thao Ngan (student of the College of Arts, Hue University) once again looked at her work with the theme "Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom ".

The 70x100cm poster was designed by Thao Ngan for a week under the guidance of the college lecturer. The image of the national flag, Uncle Ho, the pigeon's wings, the lotus flower and the subject line of the work were cleverly designed by Thao Ngan, to honor Uncle Ho's immortal saying, which is also the will and aspirations of the entire nation.

Thao Ngan shared: "As a second-year student, the topics about the Communist Party and Uncle Ho are extremely great and difficult for me. However, it gives me special feelings. When the idea came, I have to spend a lot of time perfecting the work. The most difficult part is from the images of the concept, I have to arrange and set up them in a way to ensure aestheticism and at the same time show solemnness and meaningfulness.

From 4 to 5 years studying at the College of Arts, Hue University, each student can try at different topics; but when choosing to create art works about the Communist Party and the country's father-figures, students afresh have different emotions, including pride and a bit of suspense.

At the student art exhibition, which was organized earlier this year (the 9th of January 2023), the audience had the opportunity to admire the work "The General in the house number 30 Hoang Dieu St." with acrylic material. The author, Le Anh Lam, is a student who has just entered his final year, majoring in graphic design.

Le Anh Lam said that in order to complete the work about General Vo Nguyen Giap, he had spent a month from the ideation to the final brush stroke. Although he had some strength in portraiture, Lam had been still "shaking his hands" when started painting.

Lam recalled: “In the journey to the artworks, although I had drawn Uncle Ho and Uncle Giap, the feeling of palpitation was always in me whenever I redraw the father-figures.

Drawing portraits is inherently difficult because in order to make a complete artwork, the artists have to express clearly the characters’ spirit and soul. Meanwhile, drawing portraits of father-figures is much harder, because the artists themselves will feel guilty if the painting is not character’s lookalike, and/or their personality and spirit cannot be expressed clearly. Therefore, in addition to carry out the character research, they need to nurture their emotions to put their mind into each brush stroke to get the best expression.

According to Dr. Phan Le Chung, Secretary of the college Party Committee, Chairman of the Council of the College of Arts, Hue University, poster is a difficult painting genre. It requires a compact selection of images and symbols to be used in the works. Furthermore, the words in the poster also need to convey the messages and the languages must be clear and succinct.

Using posters in the main holidays such as anniversary of the Founding of the Party and the success of Communist Party Congresses at all levels are the opportunities for students of the College of Arts to approach the practical art topics. Over the time, the university has let students open many exhibitions at both university and provincial levels on the propaganda of major local holidays. Many excellent artworks have been made with various different materials.

At the level of the university, Nguyen Van Nam, a student, had made a steel nail artwork of President Ho Chi Minh and gave it to Ho Chi Minh Museum. All things which they have done were with the sacred pride.

Going back to the time of 2020, 35 posters painted to welcome the Party Congress at all levels to the 13th National Party Congress were also displayed, with most of the authors were students who were still in school. Answering the question about the ideas for the works, the students all agreed that this was a difficult topic, requiring huge effort. However, it was also a meaningful career experience and brought them a sense of pride. Because through each artwork, they also put their faith to the Party, spreading the love for the country through propaganda which left visual and emotional impact on viewers.

Story and photo: Huu Phuc
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