ClockThursday, 24/08/2023 21:02

Thousands of people join in the Hue Nam Temple Festival

TTH.VN - Hue Nam Temple Festival (Hon Chen Temple) has just started on the morning of August 23 at Thien Tien Thanh giao Holy Place (No. 352 Chi Lang street, Hue City).

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Thousands of people join in the Hue Nam Temple Festival 

Taking place in 3 days, from August 23 to 25 (from July 8 to 10 of the Lunar Calendar), the Hue Nam Temple Festival is expected to welcome the participation of over 25,000 people.

There will be various main rites held at Hue Nam Temple, such as the Opening ceremony – Cáo Yết ceremony held on August 23, Chánh tế rite and praying for a prosperous state and peaceful people, the pilgrimage of brethren, worshiping of Thanh Mau (the Holy Mother) and Hoi Dong Tu phu (the Four Offices Council) to invite them to join in the sacrifice at Hai Cat Communal House.

Hue Nam Temple Festival is known as a traditional activity, bearing the cultural and spiritual elements of worshipping Thanh Mau Thien Y A Na. This festival is held annually in the 3rd and 7th lunar months.

By Nhat Minh
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