ClockSunday, 23/05/2021 16:11

Hue Doctor’s brand name

TTH.VN - Along with Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, over the past half century, Hue has been considered one of the leading prestigious doctor training institutions in the country.

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Doctors from many places come to Hue to participate in CME on advanced interventional techniques of coronary artery. Photo: THUONG HIEN

Both of his beautiful and well-educated daughters are students of medical school in Hue. The eldest has graduated from school, currently working in Saigon, and the second one is a 4th year student.

He is a relative of mine, from Nong (Loc Bon, Phu Loc), living and working in education management sector in Bao Loc city (Lam Dong). Remembering a few years ago when he brought his daughter to school, I looked at her high school graduation exam scores transcript, which was excellent, and asked why she had not registered to study in Saigon as it was more famous and convenient. He smiled and said, “Why do you underrate Hue, miss? Hue “furnace” of medical training is still the number one.”

Before Hue medical school came into being, the ancient capital was famous for many popular doctors. For example, Dr. Ho Dac Di was the only Vietnamese person, before 1945, elected by the Professors' Council of Hanoi University of Medicine and Pharmacy (consisting of only French professors) as Associate Professor, then Professor.

Professor Ton That Tung is well known in the field of liver surgery. He was known to be the author of the "hepatic resection method", also known as the "Ton That Tung method". Dr. Dang Van Ngu was a leading doctor in the study of parasites in Vietnam.

Or, Dr. Le Khac Quyen, former Director of Hue Central Hospital, former Dean of Hue Medical University, was a talented and virtuous doctor, a personage and also a major influencer on the establishment of Hue Medical University.

The "furnace" of doctor training in Hue was founded in March 1957 when Hue Medical University was officially established. Over the past 60 years, Hue has been one of the top 3 medical training institutions in the country, having "released" nearly 20,000 doctors, pharmacists, bachelors and more than 10,000 post-graduate students.

Doctors from many places come to Hue to participate in CME on advanced interventional techniques of coronary artery. Photo: THUONG HIEN

The brand name "furnace" of Hue Medicine and Pharmacy has been affirmed. As one of the five specially ranked hospitals, Hue Central Hospital currently has more than 3,000 staff members; in which, there are 18 professors and associate professors, nearly 40 Doctors of Medicine, more than 100 specialists ranked II, more than 50 specialists ranked I, more than 300 doctors and pharmacists. Most of them graduated from Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

Typically, Prof. Dr. Bui Duc Phu, former Director of Hue Central Hospital, used to hold the position of Chairman of Asian Society for Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery. Prof. Dr. Pham Nhu Hiep, Director of Hue Central Hospital is currently the Vice President of the Vietnam Association for Surgery and Endolaparosurgery, Standing Member of the Vietnam Cancer Society and Vietnam Society of Organ Transplantation.

From the Hue Medicine and Pharmacy Training Center, over the past half century, thousands of Hue doctors and pharmacists have travelled to all parts of the country, mostly in the Central - Highland region, Ho Chi Minh City and other southern provinces. From positions at basic level like commune health centers to district and provincial hospitals; from directly giving treatment or preventive medicine and public health; working for public or private medical facilities, the doctors not only affirm their expertise but also show the spirit of overcoming difficulties to fully develop. The title "Hue Doctor" is mentioned in many places with friendliness, kindness and respect.

Having the opportunity to work in Phu Vang district, I heard many people mention that specialized doctor Truong Nhu Son, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Medical Center here, is a dedicated, warm-hearted and professional doctor, a typical "Hue doctor".

From a doctor who just graduated from medical school to work at Dien Dai General Clinic (in 1992), a regional clinic serving 4 communes Phu Luong, Phu Xuan, Phu Ho, Phu My in Phu Vang district, Dr. Nhu Son quickly improved his knowledge and skills and became the Director of Phu Vang District Health Center, honored to be awarded the Prestigious Certificate of Merit twice by the Prime Minister and the President. Phu Vang Medical Center, led by Dr. Son, is one of 16 units honored by the Ministry of Health as an oustanding medical unit in the country (2018).

As far as we know, studying at the post-graduate levels such as master, specialized …. at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy are many doctors from Ho Chi Minh City or leading medical training centers in the country. Talking to us, many people affirmed to choose Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy because this place is peaceful, the study and research environment is suitable, especially there are many good teachers.

There are 29 majors in undergraduate and postgraduate training, 99 graduate majors, of which 8 are PhD majors, 16 master majors, 32 specialized I majors, and 31 specialized II majors, 12 specialties of resident doctors - those numbers are evidence affirming the brand value of Hue medical training institution. Currently, every year, the school call for nearly 2,000 students, bringing the scale of university to over 10,000 students.

In the school year of 2020-2021, right after winning the 31st international biology gold medal hosted by Japan, the talented student Ho Viet Duc of Quoc Hoc High School for the Gifted chose Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy to apply for. In the school year of 2020-2021, along with Ho Viet Duc, there are 28 excellent students from all over the country who have been admitted to the school according to the direct admission regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. Viet Duc, particularly, also received a full-term scholarship as a reward for his outstanding achievements.

Duc could choose to study abroad or a medical school in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City to fulfill the dream of becoming a "doctor that is as kind as a mother”, the decision of the "golden boy" Ho Viet Duc once again showed that the national leading brand name of Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy has been affirmed; and, it has been the dream of many families and students. On the other hand, the presence of excellent students like Ho Viet Duc is a guarantee for the sustainable development of the "furnace" of training doctors in the ancient capital.


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