ClockFriday, 29/01/2021 08:27

To join the "battle" is happiness

TTH.VN - "Duyen is a person who can overcome all difficulties to complete a task well, whether it is a task that seems beyond her ability, or it is a hard and dangerous one," Specialist Doctor Van Dung, Dean of Tropical Disease Department, Hue Central Hospital, Branch 2 shared with me when talking about Chief Nurse Ho Thi My Duyen (born 1991).

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Ms. Ho Thi My Duyen taking care of the patient wholeheartedly

Ho Thi My Duyen was one of the five individuals of Hue Central Hospital who were awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for many achievements in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Duyen was also one of the two representatives of the province honored to be appointed by the Central Youth Union to participate in the ‘Advanced Youth Congress following Uncle Ho's words’ in 2020.

In the middle of December 2020, Duyen was one of the three individuals of the province to be commended at the program "Tribute to the front line fighting against the epidemic in the Central region" organized by Tuoi Tre Newspaper in Da Nang.

Volunteering to the front line

“When the hospital leaders asked for volunteer nurses to work in the isolation ward for patients infected with COVID-19 at an emergency meeting among related departments in early March, many conflicting thoughts went through my mind. At first, it was the picture of my 4-year-old child always in need of a mother. I also thought of the danger of this disease. But right after that, I thought that this was a mission and a duty. If I were afraid and didn't accept it and everyone were also like me, what would have happened? In the end, a sense of responsibility with the profession won over. I volunteered to stay, breaking the silence in the moment of waiting at the meeting room,” Duyen recalled the time when she decided to go to the quarantine area to treat COVID-19 infections during both outbreaks.

Unlike the mentality of willingness to contact and care for COVID-19 positive patients, Duyen was assigned to the task of overseeing the administrative work of the treatment isolation ward, similar to a head nurse.

Despite having been a head nurse at the Department of Tropical Diseases, in a completely new isolated area from materials and equipment to the human resources system, she realized that the work load multiplied many times. But in the urgent situation at that time, Duyen could not refuse.

Following the Board of Directors’ supervision on the establishment of the quarantine area, Duyen tried to arrange administrative works in the most convenient and practical ways.

In her new role, Duyen worked continuously from 9am to 10pm. In her mind, Duyen calculated and arranged tasks like a machine. She managed the arrangement of the isolated area, the rooms, beds and mats for the patients, the system of machinery for the treatment of patients with COVID-19, the administrative area for the team of doctors to conduct meetings, diagnose and treat COVID patients, the equipment system for the meeting room to the disinfection bathroom to change protective clothing... 

Strenuously carrying out her task

In the following days at the COVID -19 treatment area, Duyen was like a shuttle. Duyen said that because her work was very tiring, she would easily fall asleep whenever she laid down. Therefore, her phone always had to be on the loudest volume so she was ready to receive instructions at any time.

“One day at exactly 2 am, I received an order to prepare for a positive patient in serious condition who needed mechanical ventilation. I immediately showed up and arranged a hospital bed, fully equipped with the ventilator, infusion machine, heart pump... I tested all the machines to make sure they would be ready for the medical staff and emergency doctors when the patient came,” Duyen recalled.

It was more difficult for the young nurse to have had to manage and run a team of professional nurses from different departments of the hospital in both Branches. To create a consensus in the entire team was also a great pressure for Duyen. Fortunately, each person was aware of his or her role and mission.

Duyen said: "We shared the belief that each of us is a piece of the puzzle, and when put together, we can complete the work." Taking advantage of their rare free time, they told each other about their family and showed photos of their children to lessen the homesickness.

After 2 months of peace, in June 2020, the quarantine area was re-established when a new case was discovered. When volunteering to serve patients but was not permitted, Duyen resumed her role as the head nurse in the COVID-19 isolation ward.

During the second wave, the number of patients was higher and the patients’ conditions were more complicated and serious with underlying diseases. The task to provide equipment was even more strenuous. However, with experience from the previous time, Ho Thi My Duyen had fulfilled her assigned tasks.

Under pressure due to the duties in the isolation ward to treat COVID-19 patients, the time spent with her child and family included hasty phone calls after long shifts.

“Since the outbreak of COVID-19, I was fortunate that my parents have always encouraged me and took care of my child so that I could be assured to perform my duties. Although it was hard, for me, to be on the front line of the battle was happiness,” the nurse shared.

Recognizing the dedication of the young female nurse, right after participating in the treatment of COVID-19 patients at the first isolation ward, Ho Thi My Duyen was appointed by the Hospital Board of Directors to the position of Chief Nurse of Department of Tropical Diseases.

Specialist Doctor Van Dung, Head of the Department of Tropical Diseases, Hue Central Hospital, Branch 2 said: “In her profession as well as in management, Ms. Ho Thi My Duyen is very enthusiastic and dynamic. She does not mind if an assigned task is difficult, but puts forth effort and creativity to find the most efficient way possible".

Story and photo: Hai Thuan

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