ClockMonday, 13/09/2021 08:35

Order from the heart

TTH.VN - Regardless of day or night, heedless of anything tough, Thua Thien Hue youth are quietly contributing efforts to the pandemic prevention and control.

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Support lent to packing the portions at the centralized kitchen area of the quarantine frames

Youth devotion

In the early days of August, the centralized kitchen area of the quarantine frames T6, T9, T10, T11 and T12 at the University of Law - Hue University were much busier with the blue-shirt volunteers’ appearance.

While his peers were involved in packing the portions for the quarantined, Tran Van Yem joined in the cooking area. Amidst countless Women's Union members, the young man somewhat stood out with a large pan in which food was quickly mixed by him.

I took the opportunity to talk to Yem at break time; the young man born in 2000 said that he was a chef at a restaurant in the city. In late July, when Phu Hoi Ward Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCMCYU) (Hue City) called on its members to register for support at the quarantine areas, Yem asked the restaurant owner to take leave for a time so that he could “put his heart and soul into” the volunteer work.

Goods transportation to support HCMC people in difficulty owing to the pandemic

I had the opportunity to meet Yem again at the Quarantine Area of Truong Bia Dormitory. Currently, Yem was assigned to assist in transporting goods and portions here according to the Ward HCMCYU assignment. When asked whether he was sad when he couldn't cook according to his forte, Yem laughed happily, "I can do anything so long as I can make a small contribution to the pandemic prevention and control."

According to information from the Provincial HCMCYU, in the face of the fact that Thua Thien Hue received a large number of citizens that returned from the pandemic area and were put in concentrated quarantine, the unit called on volunteers to register for support at 9 kitchens of the provincial isolation frames. Every day, nearly 350 union members and young people help to reduce the large workload for the functional forces.

Diversity of form

Apart from the quarantine frames of the province, at the district and commune medical quarantine facilities, the local union members were also mobilized to serve on the spot. In addition to providing support in the quarantine areas, over the past time, Thua Thien Hue youth have organized many frontline accompaniment activities against the pandemic.

With many days of participation in supporting the declaration at health checkpoint No. 4 (Lang Co Town, Phu Loc), Ms. Nguyen Nu Khanh Ngoc, Deputy Secretary of  Thuy Phuong Ward HCMCYU (Huong Thuy Town) said each shift here lasted 12 hours with the participation of 4-6 members.

Tran Van Yem made dishes at the centralized kitchen area at Law University

"Despite the strenuous work, the youth volunteer force is ready to do their utmost regardless of day or night with the vanguard spirit for the community," shared Ms. Ngoc.

So far, the Provincial HCMCYU has established 57 volunteer teams to support logistic work at quarantine areas, join in zoning and tracing, keep 24/24 guard at the checkpoints at the north and south city gateways...

Nearly 200 young doctors and students of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Hue University volunteered to reach Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Thap to support the anti-pandemic work. Youth volunteers in the localities also joined in making anti-droplet masks, donating the basic necessities to households in distanced areas and presenting many gifts to the people moving back to their home province through Thua Thien Hue Province.

In mid-July, the Provincial HCMCYU also launched the program "A little Hue love - sharing difficulties, towards the city named after Uncle", which received more than 76 million VND in cash, 16 tons of necessities and many medical supplies to HCMC people for anti-pandemic work. In addition, the local HCMCYU organizations are continuing to engage in many local fundraising and mobilization programs.


In early August, in the face of complicatedly-developing COVID-19 pandemic across the country, the Provincial HCMCYU sent a letter calling on the members to register for the Anti-Pandemic Youth Volunteer Team.

According to the Provincial HCMCYU representative, this is a permanent and professional force always ready to join in the pandemic prevention and control regardless of time and location.

Currently, the Anti-Covid-19 Pandemic Youth Volunteer Team is officially built with 24 members and will continue to increase in the short run when the number of members reaches 120. This force will be fully vaccinated to ensure safety.

According to Deputy Secretary of the Provincial HCMCYU Nguyen Thanh Hoai, Thua Thien Hue youth together with the entire political system proactively join hands in the COVID-19 prevention and control work. In the coming time, the Provincial HCMCYU will continue to direct the HCMCYU grassroots organizations to promote the achievements and build a professional support team in order to bring into full play the role of youth, the spirit of the vanguard, alongside the people, to fight off the pandemic.

Unafraid of difficulties and hardships, the provincial youth volunteer force day and night support the functional and medical forces in the front line of the fight against the pandemic. This is a lofty deed showing the youth vanguard spirit for the community.

Story: Minh Nguyen

Photos provided by the Provincial HCMCYU

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