ClockThursday, 09/09/2021 15:16

Successfully saving a pregnant woman with severe COVID-19

TTH.VN - On September 7, Hue Central Hospital, Base 2, claimed that the health status of the mother N.T.T (42 years old, Quang Nam) and her daughter were stable. PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 was negative 3 times and was discharged from the hospital.

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Baby girl being taken care of by medical staff

Previously, patient N.T.T traveled from Ho Chi Minh City to Quang Nam on July 31, had her quarantine in Tam Ky and was confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 on August 4. At this time, Ms. T. is nearly 35-week pregnant.

On August 5, patient T. showed symptoms of cough, fever and shortness of breath, requiring oxygen therapy, so she was transferred to Hue Central Hospital, Base 2 on August 9. On the morning of August 11, Mrs. T. started labor, was diagnosed with a severe premature rupture of membranes, bleeding of the total placenta previa, and COVID-19 infection, so she had to undergo emergency surgery.

After surgery, doctors were able to get a baby girl, weighing 2.2kg, and tried to resuscitate her. As for the mother, she was actively resuscitated and mechanically ventilated, but by 16:30 on the same day, her health deteriorated, and she was prescribed dialysis. On August 13, after 2 days of treatment, the respiratory failure progressed rapidly and seriously.

In an emergency situation, the Professional Council of Hue Central Hospital assigned to run ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) for the patient. After 45 minutes of setting up and connecting the ECMO system, the patient's blood oxygenation status was stabilized.

On August 22, after 9 days of ECMO support, 11 days of dialysis, intensive care and resuscitation, patient T.'s health gradually improved as the dialysis was stopped. In the following days, the patient continued to practice respiratory therapy and rehabilitation.

According to doctors of Hue Central Hospital, this is a serious and difficult case because the patient had COVID-19 during pregnancy and was hospitalized in a critical condition threatening the life of both mother and child. By the day of discharge, the baby was well developed, healthy, and weighed 3.2 kg.

By Dong Van

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