ClockThursday, 02/01/2020 14:10

Welcoming the New Year

TTH.VN - Thousands of visitors and local people eagerly joined in the Countdown event during the transition time between the old year 2019 and the new year 2020 right at the center roundabout of Hue City.

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Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Phan Ngoc Tho and thousands of people applauded happily to welcome the new year 2020

It was the first time a countdown event was held right in the heart of Hue’s city center. It was well received in the lively atmosphere, despite the unfavorable weather conditions.

At 21h on December 31, 2019, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee officially opened the music night named: "Countdown - Colorful Night". It rained quite heavily at some points during the New Year Eve. However, both tourists and local residents were still ready to welcome the New Year in the rain.

Since the early evening, roads such as, Hung Vuong, Dong Da, Le Quy Don ... have been rerouted so that local people and tourists can walk to attend the countdown festival to welcome the new year at the big stage located at the center roundabout.

The sound and light "banquet" to welcome the new year started quite early, with the presence of local and foreign artists. The later the night, the more people came. The large space was crowded with people cheering.

Despite the rainy weather, many people shared that they were very happy to attend the countdown event to welcome the new year. “Anything can happen, and the moment to greet the new year only comes once. I wish everyone can say goodbye to the old year with a light heart and welcome the new year with love and best of luck,” said Mr. Nguyen Tam Thien, a local resident participating in the event.

As the night wore on, the more people flowed into the countdown area. Before the countdown moment, Chairman Phan Ngoc Tho made a speech through the big screen, reviewing the province's achievements in the past year, as well as the goals that the whole province is aiming for. He also sent best wishes to everyone on the occasion of the New Year 2020. Looking back on 2019, it was a period of booming campaigns and movements of the people of the ancient capital, working towards a green - clean - bright Hue ...

Right after that wish, the music to welcome the exciting new year was sung amidst the arms waving to the music. At that moment, the countdown began, thousands of people counted: 10, 9, 8, ... 1 ... 0. And a new year has come in the roar of the sea of joyful people.

The moments to welcome the New Year captured by Thua Thien Hue Online:

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan Ngoc Tho pressed the opening button for the "Countdown - Colorful Night" music night

Thousands of people participated in the Countdown event ... Photo: Thanh Toan

There were a lot of young people ...

Artists performing in the New Year's Eve

A foreign tourist saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year in Hue

Meanwhile many other people took pictures with their friends at the important moment

The dances and songs made the New Year's Eve exciting

Very beautiful picture of a mother by her child

Thousands of people came to Hue’s center roundabout 

A girl group from Korea made the show become alive

The moment of welcoming the new year ...

... and many people shared their happy emotions when participating in the countdown event to welcome the new year, despite the unfavorable weather

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