ClockTuesday, 17/10/2023 07:37

6 delicious, eye-catching and rustic dishes of Hue

TTH.VN - These are 6 of 121 Vietnamese culinary dishes that have just been honored by the Vietnam Cuisine Culture Association (VCCA) as typical national dishes in phase I of a project titled "Building and Developing Vietnamese Culinary Culture into a National Brand Name”. All of these 6 dishes, including: Hue beef noodle soup, glutinous rice dumplings stuffed with roasted pork in sweet soup, mussel rice, banh loc (glutinous rice dumplings), vegetarian fig salad, and lotus-leaf-wrapped steamed rice; all are close to the gardens and paddy fields of the land.

Spicy hot dishes for Winter daysHometown-flavored Cassava CakesChưng cakes (cubic sticky rice cakes), Tét cakes (rolled sticky rice cakes) on spring days

Hue people are known for their sophistication in dining, from choosing ingredients meticulously, processing them carefully, to presenting and decorating the dishes eye-catchingly. Through the introduction by Huu Phuc, the photographer, Thua Thien Hue Weekly would like to invite readers to visually enjoy the delicious dishes of this land, which are on the list of typical Vietnamese dishes, honored by the VCCA. And then, when you have the opportunity to enjoy the dishes, you will feel more clearly that whether they are fancy or simple and rustic dishes, they will make diners, who are just trying them for the first time or are very familiar with them, share the same feeling of delicious and lingering aftertaste.

 Hue beef noodle soup, an every morning delicious dish
 Vegetarian fig salad
 A strange taste of glutinous rice dumplings stuffed with roasted pork in sweet soup
 The colors of lotus-leaf-wrapped steamed rice
 Banh loc (glutinous rice dumplings)
 Mussel rice, a specialty of the Ancient Capital
By Thua Thien Hue Weekly
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Royal physician in the land of Hue

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Salt Coffee in Hue featured on US newspaper
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