ClockWednesday, 25/08/2021 09:27

The season of mulberry in Kim Long

TTH.VN - If you got a chance to come to Phu Mong garden house (Kim Long ward) this season, it will be easy for you to bump into the fruit-laden mulberry trees interspersed with mangosteen and persimmon trees etc., in their ripening season in the garden.

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In terms of economic value, Kim Long mulberry cannot be compared with other Hue specialty kinds of fruits. However, it still measured up to the famous Truoi mulberries when “girl group” talking about favorite fruits.

Thua Thien Hue Weekly would like to introduce you some pictures about the mulberry season in Kim Long taken by the photographer Nguyen Khoa Huy so that you will have more options for your destinations on the last days of summer. Perhaps, your family will get the novel experiences.

Under the sweltering sunshine, people in garden houses watering the trees regularly to avoid drought

Under the sweltering sunshine, people in garden houses watering the trees regularly to avoid drought

Under the sweltering sunshine, people in garden houses watering the trees regularly to avoid drought

Harvest day

Harvest day

The “girl group”, including children, have a passion for the sweet and sour mulberries

In the season of mulberry, the attractive bunches of mulberries are always set out on loads of street fruit vendors

The “girl group”, including children, have a passion for the sweet and sour mulberries

In the season of mulberry, the attractive bunches of mulberries are always set out on loads of street fruit vendors

In the season of mulberry, the attractive bunches of mulberries are always set out on loads of street fruit vendors

Red, bright yellow shell, succulent pulp, and typical sweet and sour taste

Red, bright yellow shell, succulent pulp, and typical sweet and sour taste

By Thua Thien Hue Weekly


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