ClockSaturday, 17/08/2019 15:34
Thua Thien Hue Women's Union and Green Dragon Children's Organization (Australia):

Awarding 300 scholarships to disadvantaged students

TTH.VN - On August 16, the Provincial Women's Union and the Blue Dragon Children's Foundation (Australia) jointly awarded scholarships to 300 disadvantaged students in Phu Vang and Phu Loc districts.

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Awarding scholarships to disadvantaged students in Phu Loc district

Each scholarship includes a set of textbooks, notebooks, and an amount of cash for uniforms support. The total value of this scholarship round is over VND 300 million. In addition, during the school year, the children are also supported by the project with tuition and contributions in school.

This is an activity within the framework of the project "Preventing free migrant children from going to work and being labor abused in Thua Thien Hue province" in Phu Loc and Phu Vang districts. The goal of the project is to help reduce the rate of children at risk of free migration, labor abuse and to support them to return to their families.

By Minh Hien


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