ClockFriday, 25/11/2022 10:07

Coordinating to introduce art performances of two countries

TTH.VN - That was one of the contents signed by Hue Monuments Conservation Center and Korean Gyeonggi Traditional Music Association in the memorandum of cooperation between the two sides.

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The two sides exchanging the signing minutes. Photo: Hue Monuments Conservation Center

The above information was revealed by Hue Monuments Conservation Center on November 24. Accordingly, the two sides will make efforts to introduce art performances of the two countries to the public.

This is to raise public awareness and understanding of the common values ​​of culture and art between the two countries through the organization of activities for exchanges and performances of traditional music between the two sides of the two countries.

In addition, the two sides will introduce and promote each other’s traditional cultural heritage images on official media channels of the sides.


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