ClockFriday, 10/01/2020 15:56

Hue City receives New Year greetings from the delegation of Savannakhet province

TTH.VN - On the morning of January 9th, Mr. Le Truong Luu - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Mr. Nguyen Van Phuong - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and leaders of related provincial departments and agencies received the Delegation of Savannakhet Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic, led by Dr. Phosay Sayasone - Vice Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Governor of Savannakhet province to visit and extend New Year greetings to the Party Committee, the government and people of Thua Thien Hue Province.

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The Parties, governments and people of the two provinces always create the most favorable conditions for development

At the meeting, Dr. Sayasone presented a basket of beautiful flowers and sent the best wishes to the Party Committee, authorities and people of Thua Thien Hue Province on the occasion of the traditional New Year. At the same time, he affirmed that the relationship between the two provinces and the two peoples would always be maintained steadily and developed.

Secretary Le Truong Luu and Dr. Sayasone also informed each other about the achievements of the two provinces in the past, especially in 2019. The two sides recalled good traditions between the two provinces in particular and the two countries Vietnam - Laos in general along the history.

The two sides also agreed on the need to re-evaluate the cooperation in all fields, especially in health, education - training, tourism... to upgrade and develop further in the coming time. “We are looking forward to and always create the most favorable conditions for potential investors of Thua Thien Hue province to Savannakhet to seek opportunities for investment and cooperation,” said Dr. Sayasone.

Over the past time, Savannakhet province in particular and the provinces of Laos bordering Thua Thien Hue have always created favorable conditions, support and assist laborer’s of Thua Thien Hue to work and live in the province.

Appreciating the good wishes of the Savannakhet Provincial Delegation to the provincial Party Committee, authorities and People, Mr. Le Truong Luu affirmed that Thua Thien Hue commits and is willing to support and enhance training activities in all areas that Savannakhet Province is in need. He wished the good relationship between the two provinces would always be “forever green and forever sustainable” and further developed in the future.

By Anh Phong


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