ClockTuesday, 21/03/2023 16:02

Making connection for Korean businesses to find out new investment opportunities

TTH.VN - On March 20, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Truong Luu received H.E. Oh Youngju, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam.

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 The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Truong Luu desiring to have more cooperation between the two sides in the coming time

At the meeting, the Party Secretary Le Truong Luu was delightful to welcome the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam, H.E. Oh Youngju, and the delegation for their visit and working trip to the province.

According to Party Secretary Le Truong Luu, at present, there are 17 foreign direct investment projects from Korea with a total registered capital of over 61.6 million USD, concentrating on the areas including services, garment, infrastructure of industrial zones, and Information Technology.

The province has completed 6 projects using Korean ODA capital worth around 55 million USD such as the projects “Investing in construction of Thua Thien Hue General Hospital”, “Adjustment of Hue City general plan in the period of 2011 – 2015”, “Planning in detail of the two sides of the Huong River and pilot project”, etc.

At present, the province is continuing to receive ODA non-refundable projects sponsored by Korean government through KOICA with the projects “Vietnam – Korea Peace Village”, “The project of building a cultural and smart tourism Hue City”, etc.

The activities of cultural exchanges and tourism promotion are also organized regularly between Thua Thien Hue and Korean partners.

Party Secretary Le Truong Luu offering a souvenir to Ms. Oh Youngju after the working meeting 

Accordingly, Party Secretary Le Truong Luu desired that in the coming time, Korean businesses would keep on seeking trading investment opportunities; carrying out research, supporting to open the route of direct flights from Korea to Hue; pushing up cultural, tourism, and education connection; continuing to accelerate the progress of ODA projects, etc.

Ms. Oh Youngju thanked the warmed and high esteem welcome of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and provincial leaders, at the same time she expressed her desire that the province would create favorable conditions for Korean businesses to find out cooperation and trading opportunities.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam said that if the province effectively utilized and exploited its strengths and potentials, the province would reach the outstanding achievements in the coming time. The visit and working meeting this time would contribute to enhancing the cooperative relations between the two countries in general and the relations between Korea and the province in particular.

By Le Tho


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