ClockThursday, 30/03/2023 17:02

Promoting Australian education, culture and cuisine

TTH.VN - On March 29, The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), the Australian Embassy and the Australian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City cooperated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Provincial People's Committee to organize a conference to promote Australian education, culture and cuisine in Hue City, within the Viet Nam - Australia: Unlocking Opportunities in Education and Agrifood roadshow series.

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 Delegates attending the conference

 The conference was attended by Ms. Eliza Chui, Trade Commissioner of Austrade; the Australian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City; leaders of the provincial departments, agencies, and sectors; as well as representatives of food industry enterprises, universities, and academic institutions in Australia.

This activity was held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between Viet Nam and Australia.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, said that in the recent years, the cooperative relationships between the province and Australian partners has been implemented synchronously and developed comprehensively in many fields, especially in the fields of education, health, and culture, etc.

Non-governmental aid from Australia has very positive effects on local socio-economic development, especially in granting scholarships for students in the majors of medicine and pharmacy, school sanitation and hygiene, fresh water, sanitation and hygiene support, as well as livelihoods support for the locals; in the adaptation to climate change, and gender equality, etc.

According to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, this conference is vital, creating conditions for the province to have the opportunities to cooperate, approach and connect with many agencies, enterprises and universities in Australia, so as to further deepen the cooperation in the fields of trade, education and tourism between the two sides.

“We always open our doors to welcome partners from all over the world to cooperate in the fields of trade, investment and tourism in our home province. At the same time, we pledge to always accompany Australian enterprises in the process of implementing their operating activities in the province, so as to jointly build a land that carries not only the depth of Vietnamese culture and history, but also the modern civilization identity, aiming for a better quality of life,” emphasized Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh.

On this occasion, Vietnamese educational institutions were introduced about professional competencies from 22 leading Australian universities and academic institutions.

The Australian delegation comprising 19 enterprises, which are operating in the sectors of food products, fruit and beverage, was provided with a clear picture of Vietnam's potential market. At the same time, Vietnamese enterprises are raising awareness about the capacity of the agricultural industry, as well as the quality of products from Australia.

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