ClockMonday, 01/10/2018 09:39

The Tournesol Group (Hue University) wins the Third prize in Start-up Ideas Contest of AUF

TTH.VN - After the final round of start-up ideas contest organized by the Association of Francophone Universities (AUF) on 28 September, the Tournesol team from Hue University excellently won the third prize.

6 authors/groups were awardedDr.Vu Duy Thuc shares information on Start-up and Artificial IntelligenceUniversities play an important role in start-up

Representative of Tournesol Group (Hue University) receives the prize after the final round

The contest attracted 55 topics from various groups from 4 countries in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia). Throughout the 4 rounds, the organization board selected the 5 best teams to the final round.

At the end of the competition, the Tournesol group (Hue University) with the topic Réhabilitation à domicile (Home Rehabilitation) won the third prize. This is the idea of ​​a project about rehabilitation service system that includes a website, a mobile application integrating with therapies, and training videos for all diseases that require rehabilitation. Moreover, it also freely helps patients to make appointment with doctor and physician to do rehabilitation at home. All payments are available through online means.

By Huu Phuc

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Designer Doan Trang honored to win third prize at 2nd International Gold Embroidery and Jewelry Festival 2024

At the invitation of the Consulate General of the Republic of Uzbekistan to attend the International Gold Embroidery and Jewelry Festival, taking place from May 3 - 5 in Bukhara City, Ms. Nguyen Thi Doan Trang, artisan, designer, and Director of Doan Trang Embroidery and Sewing Trading and Service Co., Ltd. (at 2/56 Bach Dang Street, Gia Hoi Ward, Hue City), was honored to be the Vietnamese representative winning the third prize.

Designer Doan Trang honored to win third prize at 2nd International Gold Embroidery and Jewelry Festival 2024
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