ClockTuesday, 03/01/2023 17:53

Vietnam ranks 30th among the most powerful countries in the world

TTH.VN - According to US News & World Report's ranking of the world's most powerful countries in 2022, Vietnam stands at the 30th position, with a GDP of 363 billion USD, a population of more than 98.2 million.

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A corner of Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Tran Minh Dung

Other Asian countries also included in the above ranking are South Korea, Japan and India.

Meanwhile, the US, China and Russia are the three most powerful countries in the world in 2022.

In Southeast Asia, Vietnam’s position is only after Singapore (26th position), while it is ranked over Indonesia (32nd position) and Thailand (36th position).

The ranking of the most powerful countries in the world published by US News & World Report, objectively assesses the level of influence of countries, foreign policies as well as political, economic and military strength of the countries globally.

The ranking is part of the annual "World's Best Countries" report, which surveys and evaluates 85 countries based on feedback from 17,000 participants.


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