ClockThursday, 12/09/2024 16:01

Promoting tourism of three Central localities of Vietnam in Australia

TTH.VN - On September 11, the tourism sectors of three localities, including Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, and Quang Nam, jointly organized a tourism promotion program in Melbourne, Australia.

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 The tourism sector of Thua Thien Hue participated in promoting tourism in Australia

The event aimed to promote the cooperation in tourism development between Vietnam and Australia, especially connecting the Australian tourist market with Central Vietnam. Simultaneously, it sought to enhance the promotion and introduction of the “Amazing Central Vietnam Heritage” tourism brand to Australia. Nearly 100 businesses, associations, travel agencies, and media agencies, etc., from Australia attended the event.

According to the leader of the Provincial Department of Tourism, at the event, the tourism sectors of the three localities of Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, and Quang Nam collaboratively organized numerous activities aimed at promoting and stimulating tourism development. These activities included a business networking space, screenings of films promoting tourism in Central Vietnam, provision of information on direct flights connecting Australia and Vietnam, tourism products and services, and a discussion on increasing the exchange of visitors between Australia and Central Vietnam.

27 Vietnamese businesses participated in the event, and directly introduced their new tourism products to Australian partners. These products are suitable for the tastes and needs of Australian visitors, providing a comprehensive and updated overview of the new services and experiences available to visitors when coming to Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, and Quang Nam. Tourism businesses from the three localities also launched numerous attractive promotions and offered vouchers to event attendees through a lucky draw.

The program promoted destinations and introduced the tourism brand of Central Vietnam including Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, and Quang Nam to Australia, building the cooperative relationships and opening up many new opportunities to increase tourist exchange between Australia and the Central region of Vietnam.

The leader of the Provincial Department of Tourism added that, besides the promotional event in Melbourne, the tourism sectors of the three regions also took part in Da Nang City's Investment and Tourism Promotion Workshop in Sydney to showcase impressive films of the “Amazing Central Vietnam Heritage”, as well as exchanging and connecting with partners in Sydney, New South Wales.

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