ClockSaturday, 08/10/2022 15:50

Raising the capacity of branding and sales for Hue traditional products

TTH.VN - Taking place on October 6 at 53 Nguyen Hue, Hue City, the innovation festival for Hue traditional products held by the People’s Committee of Hue City in collaboration with the Provincial Innovation Start-up Center is an activity to raise the capacity of branding and sales for Hue specialties and traditional products.

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The festival is an opportunity for craft establishments and traditional craft villages to exchange and learn from each other, as well as cooperate to expand their production and business activities

The festival included various display spaces, in addition to the activities of connecting and selling traditional products in the Hue city area with the participation of 20 craft establishments and traditional craft villages such as agarwood, fine arts, melaleuca oil, tea, wine, tét cake, etc. This was the space for displaying, promoting and selling products for traditional product establishments. Thereby, creating an environment for craft establishments and traditional craft villages to exchange, learn, and cooperate to expand their production and business activities.

In the framework of the festival, the craft establishments were also trained the method of building up the brand name and selling Hue specialties and traditional products. Mrs. Phan Thi Lan Phuong, Content Director of Year1 Media Group had a speech on analyzing current consumer trends, from there, sharing knowledge and the steps of starting an appropriate brand name and sale methods for units.

The open talk with the theme “Culture and Creativity in Digital Era” also opened up a space for discussing and exploiting the values related to the cultural and creative industry, helping the businesses and craft units to have more viewpoints in this field, pushing more start-ups in the field of cultural industry to be “born” in Hue in the future.

By Minh Hien

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