ClockTuesday, 15/06/2021 06:47

Archeological excavation of Thái Hòa Palace conducted

TTH.VN - From June 5 to 20, Hue Monuments Conservation Center has conducted archeological excavation on an area of ​​66m2 in the East and West side spaces of Thái Hòa Palace.

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Initially, the excavation has revealed a stepped foundation in the Western side of Thái Hòa Palace, with a laterite curbing system next to the foundation and along the steps in the Western side. On top of the laterite curbing lies a layer of Bát Tràng terracotta tiles. The excavation also unearthed part of the foundation of the Northwest side of Thái Hòa Palace inside its West side space.

In the Eastern side of Thái Hòa Palace, a part of the curbing close to the footing of the Southern steps was uncovered. The laterite curbing system is close to the Northern steps, with the laterite next to the Eastern foundation and the main steps that lead to Thái Hòa Palace.

After finishing the archaeological excavation, Hue Monuments Conservation Center will file a preliminary report and propose a plan to manage and protect the excavated area.

By Minh Hien

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