ClockTuesday, 12/04/2022 14:00

Art space rebounds with tourism

TTH.VN - After a frozen period of tourism under the impact of the pandemic, the exhibition spaces and art spaces prepare to welcome visitors back when tourism rebounds bit by bit.

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After a prolonged period of closure, LeBaDang Memorial Space will reopen to welcome visitors this April. Photo: FB Lebadang Memory Space

“Dear friends! After a period of closure, LeBaDang Memory Space will officially reopen on April 19, 2022", a brief notice posted on the fanpage "Lebadang Memory Space" greatly excites many visitors from far and wide.

LeBaDang Memory Space is located on Kim Son Hill (Thuy Bang Commune, Hue City). This is the work to realize the dream of the talented painter Le Ba Dang about a place of harmony between people, nature and art.

For nearly two years, like many other museum and art exhibition spaces, LeBaDang Memory Space has undergone many closures under the influence of the pandemic and encountered many difficulties. However, making the most of that period, the renovation plans were carried out in the hope of offering visitors a better artistic experience in the reopening days.

Although knowing it is not easy to operate the exhibition space, especially after a long time hit by the pandemic, according to the space owner, Ms. Le Cam Te, once she has embarked on the art path, she will pursue it with all her heart and passion. The reopening at this time is also a way to join hands with the provincial authorities and the cultural sector to restore tourism.

“We originally planned to open in 2023. However, right now when tourism is gradually rebounding from the pandemic, the province also plans to welcome tourists back, LeBaDang Memory Space also decides to respond to the policy, prepares to operate, welcomes visitors at home and abroad," said Ms. Te.

According to the owner of this space, the reopening this time will undergo several changes in depth to meet the needs of visitors, giving visitors novel experiences.

“We will reserve some space for art shows, arrangement space, architecture, painting, fashion shows… And further, this space will be a place for artists to meet," added Ms. Te. Besides, the space will be by degrees supplemented with a number of services, content innovations and modern exhibition methods in line with the world trends.

Located on Le Loi Street, the section from Truong Tien Bridge to Phu Xuan Bridge is seen as a museum street with a lot of art exhibition spaces in preparation for welcoming visitors back. In the past two years, although open for operation, under the impact of the pandemic, almost all spaces on this axis were empty. These days, tourism sector is open; the signal is somewhat heartening. Many visitors, especially foreign ones, come to visit.

According to Ms. Dinh Thi Hoai Trai, Director of Hue Museum of Fine Arts, the unit managing two exhibition spaces on this axis (Le Ba Dang art exhibition space and Diem Phung Thi art exhibition space), along with the tourism sector, the unit is carrying out a lot of activities to welcome tourists back after a long period of depression.

“Previously, despite many orientations and operational plans, under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all of them were put on ice.Therefore, as soon as everything gradually returns to normal, we are aggressively re-executing them to serve the people and visitors," said Ms. Trai, adding that there will be a lot of events from now until the end of the year, including many sideline activities in response to Hue Festival 2022.

According to Ms. Trai, the unit will focus on exhibition activities in combination with a number of foreign cultural centers and exhibition, performance activities. “In addition, we will endeavor to create outdoor activities, further promote the function of the space and create a novel atmosphere in the museum street. The highlight under consideration is the open activities by night,” added Ms. Trai.

Aside from the activities, the unit will connect the tour, route with travel agencies, thereby incorporating these spaces into the agenda and destination to draw visitors.

By Nhat Minh

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