ClockFriday, 13/01/2023 14:07

Enjoying Hue Yellow Apricot converged on Thuong Bac Park

TTH.VN - Officially on display from January 9, but until January 11, the 320 works of yellow apricot participating in the exhibition were fully converged on Thuong Bac Park, by the bank of the romantic Huong river.

Witnessing the “marvellous” yellow apricot garden in HueTowards turning Thua Thien Hue into Vietnam’s land of yellow apricotsBranding and promoting the value of Hue yellow apricot blossomsThe city of yellow apricot blossomsYellow apricot blossom at the front entrance

Apricot-lovers coming to the exhibition to enjoy the beauty of apricots

Among the 320 works on display and exhibition, there are 70 big yellow apricot bonsai works and 250 small ones.

These are the works of artisans, organizations and garden houses, who are members of Hue Yellow Apricot Association in Thua Thien Hue province, as well as in provinces and cities with strong movements in growing apricot.

On January 11, a large number of tourists and people came to the exhibition and display space to enjoy the yellow apricot garden. This place has become a new and interesting “check-in” point for many residents and visitors.

This exhibition and display space is one of the activities of the 1st Hue Yellow Apricot Festival in 2023. The festival will be opened on the afternoon of January 13.

The festival is organized by Hue Festival Center in collaboration with Hue Yellow Apricot Association, Hue Monuments Conservation Centre and Hue Green Park Center to promote the image of Hue Yellow Apricot, towards building Hue into Vietnam’s land of yellow apricot flowers.

Following are some photos at the exhibition space:

Rare and strange Yellow Apricot works participating in the exhibition space

An elaborate Yellow Apricot bonsai

A rare-shape apricot tree is placed right at the entrance to the exhibition space

An extremely rare ancient apricot tree

Many apricot trees are blooming, signaling that spring is coming

The fresh look of Hue Yellow Apricot

Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Phan Ngoc Tho (right) enjoying the festival space

Yellow Apricot growers taking care of trees to welcome the opening of the festival

Yellow Apricot space becomes a new “check-in” point for tourists and residents

International visitors are impressed with Hue Yellow Apricot trees and take beautiful photos

By Duc Quang

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