ClockMonday, 29/01/2024 18:16

Experiencing the traditional Lunar New Year of Vietnam and South Korea

TTH.VN - On January 28, the Provincial Youth Activity Center organized a program to experience the traditional Lunar New Year of Vietnam and South Korea, with the theme "Connecting Spring - Peaceful Tet (Lunar New Year)". The event was attended by Mr. Nguyen Chi Tai, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Commission for Mass Mobilization.

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 Young people experiencing making chung cake and tet cake

The program included 15 booths, which were decorated according to the theme of traditional Tet (the Lunar New Year in Vietnam), with the participation of the KOICA's volunteer expert group; Hue Tourism College; University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University; along with clubs, teams, and groups in the province, etc.

Children participating in the program had a chance to experience making traditional dishes of Tet, under the guidance of artisans from Hue's traditional craft villages and volunteer teams from KOICA (South Korea), including chung cake, tet cake, jam, tteokguk soup, kimchi, and Dalgona (South Korean sponge candy), etc.

Besides, there were spaces for them to experience making Thanh Tien paper flowers, drawing Sinh village paintings, writing calligraphy, making and decorating lucky money envelopes, making traditional South Korean lanterns, and folding  Hanbok origami, etc. In addition, a checking-in space with Vietnamese traditional ao dai, and South Korean traditional Hanbok, as well as art exchange programs and folk games from Vietnam and South Korea also attracted the participation of a large number of young people.

According to Huynh Diem Phuong (from Hue City), the experience space of the program helps young people feel the traditional beauty and characteristics of the traditional Lunar New Year culture of Vietnam and South Korea. This is also an opportunity to exchange and learn more about the traditional culture of South Korea.

A representative of the Organizing Committee said that through the program, they hoped that young people would understand and love more about the meanings and customs of Tet and, thereby, promote the traditional beauty of Vietnamese traditional Tet culture. At the same time, it is also an opportunity for young people to access and learn about the cultural values of South Korea.

Following are some photos taken at the experience program of the traditional Lunar New Year of Vietnam and South Korea:

 A performance of South Korean traditional dance
 Children folded and decorated lucky money envelopes by themselves
 The wishing tree attracted many young people
 Many wishes were sent before the Lunar New Year
 Checking-in with Hanbok, the South Korean traditional costume
 Children enjoyed the experience of making Dalgona, the South Korean sponge candy
 An artisan was instructing the children to make Thanh Tien paper flowers
 The program was even more meaningful as more than 50 gifts were given to children from the Future Special School
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