ClockSaturday, 04/12/2021 07:44

Film destination

TTH.VN - It is not surprising that two feature films set in Hue won awards at the 22nd Vietnam Film Festival, which had just taken place in Hue. The film "Dreamy Eyes", portraying an ordinary life, won the Golden Lotus Prize, and the film "Camellia Sisters V", portraying a luxurious royal setting, won the prize of the Organizing Committee.

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Thien An Hill - a main scene in the movie “Dreamy Eyes”. Photo: QT

“Dreamy Eyes” won the Golden Lotus Prize not only because it became a cultural phenomenon which "touched emotions" as director Victor Vu once said, but also was due to Hue scenes in the film.

After the release of "Dreamy Eyes", the number of tourists flocking to Ha Cang village (Quang Phu commune, Quang Dien) increased day by day. The old tree, where the character Ngan played the guitar to Ha Lan in the movie, received the most visits. It was later renamed "the Dreamy Eyes tree". Other locations, such as Do Do Community Primary School and Do Do village market, have also become check-in destinations.

The 22nd Film Festival was a national art and culture event to celebrate the "National Cultural Conference 2021", which is taking place in the context that many cultural problems have been "revealed but the causes and solutions have not been found". Duong Trung Quoc, a historian, reckoned, “bringing democracy into the culture, and promoting artists’ creativity. This is also a fundamental solution to promote Vietnam's cultural industry". Mr. Quoc hoped that the conference would offer great ideas to continue to "pave the way for culture".

The slogan "Building a Vietnamese film industry rich in national identity, modernity and humanity" of the 22nd Vietnam Festival is the way to "pave the road for the film industry”. It was implemented with the spirit of overcoming difficulties and dedication of the film industry, contributing to the implementation of the 10-year socio-economic development strategies (2021 - 2030). These include: Promoting cultural values, promoting Vietnamese people's strength, inspiring the aspiration for national development, patriotism, self-reliance, compassion and solidarity...

Hue boasts 7 world heritages honored by UNESCO, along with nearly 1,000 historical and cultural relics and more than 500 festivals of all kinds; hundreds of ancient pagodas, ancient villages, ruong houses, garden houses; the system of memorial monuments about Uncle Ho, along with historical, cultural and revolutionary relics which have become invaluable assets of the ancient capital.

Hue is also blessed with magnificent and poetic landscapes, such as: the Huong River, Mount Ngu Binh, Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoon system, beautiful Lang Co bay, Bach Ma National Park...

From the positive but separate effects of the films such as "Dreamy Eyes" or "Camellia Sisters V", through the 22nd Vietnam Film Festival, Hue, as the host city, has synchronously promoted and introduced the image of the ancient capital: from directly making the documentary film "Hue - The capital of Ao Dai Vietnam" to organizing programs to visit, experience and discover the heritage and cultural values and people of Hue. According to Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh, the goal is to build the whole province into a big movie studio, a film destination...

By Dan Duy

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