ClockMonday, 15/01/2024 07:38

Hoang Dang Khanh and "the whisper of the city quarter"

TTH.VN - For Hoang Dang Khanh, city quarter is not just somewhere to go to and return, and the place of houses to live in; but is also associated with the breath and life, pampering the artist from Hue Ancient Capital with countless emotions.

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 One of the paintings about the quarter by artist Hoang Dang Khanh

Hoang Dang Khanh has cherished the language of real life to tell stories through painting and present them with his personal exhibition themed "The whisper of the city quarter" on the evening of January 12 at J Art Space (at 30 Street No.10, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City).

With more than 30 fine art works, Hoang Dang Khanh has sent viewers many emotions through the perspective of the quarter in colors and names it in a very unique way.

He said, there was a time when he unconsciously felt like a child being lost in different neighborhoods. In those places, he encountered human fates, spaces, as well as ups and downs of time... All were shaped and then helped Hoang Dang Khanh connect in a way, which was sometimes by reason, sometimes by improvisation, and then only when using the language of painting, he could explain the memories that were unintentionally or intentionally fleeting.

“And now, it's time for me to convey those feelings as a gratitude to the city quarter, the place where I was born and raised, helping me feel the values of happiness and love with family and friends," shared artist Hoang Dang Khanh.

Artist Khanh, 41 years old, currently lives in Hue City. He is a son of the late artist Hoang Dang Nhuan. Like his father, he came to painting by self-study.

The exhibition lasts until February 4.

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