ClockSaturday, 30/04/2022 14:57

Meeting culinary artisans from the three regions

TTH.VN - On the evening of April 29, the gathering of Vietnamese culinary artisans at Hue Festival 2022 was formally held by the Vietnam Cuisine Culture Association at Duyet Thi Duong Theater in the Imperial Citadel. The program aimed to celebrate the success of the convention of Thua Thien Hue Provincial Cuisine Culture Association.

Official poster of Hue Festival 2022 releasedFlying high with the kites

On this occasion, culinary artisans introduced quintessential dishes, typical of the three regions' cuisine.

Introducing the culinary quintessence of the three regions

They include the appetizers "Ngu phuc tu quy" with spring rolls, Hue fermented pork rolls, fried spring rolls, fried crab spring rolls, and green tea fried tofu from provinces and cities of the three regions of the North - Central - South; snow bird's nest soup and stewed black-chicken with ginseng by artisan Mai Thi Tra; Hue vegetarian lotus rice by the poet Ho Dac Thieu Anh…

The program also introduced Kim Giao chopsticks, made from the wood of the Kim Giao tree, which have effervescent properties when contaminated with toxic food. Therefore, in the past, it was used to test food poisoning at royal banquets.

According to the Vietnam Cuisine Culture Association, Vietnamese cuisine is a combination of ingredients and spices which adaptably follow the principle of "Yin and yang - Five elements" to achieve a harmonious aesthetic according to Vietnamese standards. It fully conveys all the rich layers of natural flavors, while balancing the nutritional value for the body.

Northern cuisine is marked by its sweet and sophisticated taste in processing. Central cuisine is characterized by a spicy, rich taste with vibrant and eye-catching colors. Southern cuisine brings a sense of sweetness and spiciness to the rustic dishes of the river region.

On the gathering of more than 40 culinary artisans from three regions, the Vietnam Cuisine Culture Association would like to introduce the quintessence of Vietnamese cuisine and to preserve and promote the country’s culinary culture.

By Minh Hien

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Performing recitation of Zen poetry
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